Babette Hengst

employee science communication

Science communication

Adamovic Alexandra
administrative assistant Petronell
Agnezy Stefan
employee science communication
Bäuerlein Ralf
Booking administration
Fernandez Coll Meritxell
employee science communication
Goldmann Christoph
Staff science communication
Hantschk Andreas
head of environmental education indoor
Hirsch Barbara
freelancer science communication
Karner Felicitas
employee science communication
Koppitsch Mara Christine
employee science communication
Kral Jenny Marie
employee science communication
Krb Gabriele
administrative assistant Petronell
Mair Agnes
head of education team & registration
Matzi Manuela
employee science communication
Méhu-Blantar Ines
Innovation hub and stakeholder engagement
Müller Monika
employee science communication
Österreicher Jessica
employee science communication
Ott Iris
Head of science communication
Pilat Melanie
environmental education, science communication, scientific assistant
Pletzenauer Eva
employee science communication
Prantner Elisa
employee science communication
Roson Claudia
Head of branch office Petronell, environmental education outdoor
Rubik Sabine
Booking administration
Schacherl-Huspeka Ute
employee science communication
Schmid Brigitta
Deputy head of science communication
Stöckle Gabriel
Staff science communication
Thinschmidt Alice
employee science communication
Tomaselli Anna
employee science communication
Tucci Daniela
Operational management Deck 50
Völker Bernd-Christoph
employee science communication
Vonasek Robert
administrative assistant Petronell