The Institute was also strengthened through the provision of an additional academic post in 1992. New discoveries of precious
and not-so-precious stones as well as new synthetics and imitations are recorded and all information is updated. In addition,
there is the documentation of the material itself which is, however, only possible within the limits of the financial resources
available for new acquisitions. The documentation of newly introduced natural and synthetic material for jewellery and the
comparison of this material with existing precious, synthetic and imitation stones is, however, of the greatest importance
for practical work with these materials. In specific cases, the Institute cooperates with local and foreign institutions and
companies, such as, for example, in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, the USA, Sri Lanka and Australia.
HR Dr. Vera M.F. Hammer
Telephone: 0043 1 52 177 272
The employees of the Institute have at their disposal not only the necessary equipment for gemmological investigations, they also have a modern electron microprobe (Jeol JXA 8530-F), a scanning electron microscope with several analytical attachments (EDS, EBSD, cathodoluminescence, low-vacuum chamber) and an X-ray powder diffractometer.
Employees of the Institute give lectures at various Austrian Universities. In addition, seminars are held for various institutions of the gem trade as well as other associations.
HR Dr. Vera M.F. Hammer
Telephone: 0043 1 52 177 272