Film and photo permission

Please note that in addition to general media coverage, the NHM Vienna sites are also popular locations for photography and filming.
Private photography and filming is permitted without tripod and flash or other forms of additional light sources.
Photography and filming for commercial or scientific purposes and the distribution of images on the Internet is subject to authorization.

  • Photography for current reporting purposes and filming permit:
Please contact , stating the location, purpose, desired date of recording and contact details.
  • Photo shoots that are not part of current reporting:
Please contact , stating the location, purpose, desired date of the shoot and contact details.

Please note: Private photo sessions with your own photographer, for example as part of a wedding, can only take place on Tuesdays by prior arrangement and must be accompanied by a member of our staff. We reserve the right to charge a flat fee of €200 for this service. 

  • If you would like to use images and/or videos of the NHM Vienna for your publication, please contact us using the form below. 

We reserve the right to completely prohibit photography and filming on a case-by-case basis.