3. Department of Zoology
encompasses the invertebrate collections with the exception of insects in the broadest sense (Hexapoda).
The 5 collection divisions are the Arachnoidea, Crustacea, Evertebrata Varia, Mollusca, and Myriapoda. Based on historical grounds the Mollusca collection also harbors the Tunicata and Bryozoa, and the Arachnoidea collection
also encompasses the Pentastomida. The Evertebrata Varia collection contains both the “Protozoa” as well as several phyla
of multicellular invertebrates. In almost every sector, the zoological collections at the Natural History Museum Vienna are
among the internationally oldest, largest and most significant. Our objects, in particular the molluscs and corals, extend
back to the dawn of scientific collections from the 18th century. Prominent personalities from that era include the collectors Jean de Baillou (1684-1758) and the universal scholar Ignaz von Born (1742-1791).