Tuesday, 19. December 2023
So-called "Viennese types"
What do four millipedes, two grasshoppers, three parasite species,
a goose and twelve fish have in common? They are all presumed to be type specimens from Vienna!
The classification of biological species provides the basis for understanding biodiversity. Knowing which species of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms one is dealing with is indispensable for many areas of research.
The classification of biological species provides the basis for understanding biodiversity. Knowing which species of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms one is dealing with is indispensable for many areas of research.
Thursday, 30. November 2023
New impetus for taxonomic research in Europe
The 54th General Assembly
of the Consortium of the European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF54) took place on the 28th and 29th of November, hosted
by the Natural History Museum of Vienna, Austria.
Tuesday, 07. November 2023
Press conference on the new exhibition “Arctic. The Changing Polar World”
Tuesday, 7th November
2023, 10.30 a.m.
Lecture hall and special exhibition rooms of the NHM Vienna
Friday, 13. October
Deep sea research: Mobile amphipods 3,000 metres below the sea NHM Vienna involved in discovery of amphipod species’ global spread
An international team including researchers of the Natural History Museum
Vienna has become the first to discover specimens of the amphipod predator Rhachotropis abyssalis in three different oceans,
with a distance of up to 20,000 kilometres between them. In each case, the animals live at a depth of more than three kilometres.
The results have been published in the specialised journal “Scientific Reports”.
Tuesday, 10. October 2023
Press Conference: Cooperation NHM Vienna and Vienna Zoo Schönbrunn | Presentation of a new polar bear exhibit
Founded in 1752 by Emperor Francis I, Duke of Lorraine, Schönbrunn Zoo is the
world’s oldest zoo and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It ranks among the most renowned zoological gardens globally.
The Natural History Museum Vienna is a research museum that emerged from the Imperial collections and looks back on a history of more than 270 years. Dedicated to “the realm of nature and its exploration”, the museum is a total work of art with a unique atmosphere. It is committed to conserving and expanding its extensive scientific collections as the basis of research and presentations to the public.
Both world-renowned institutions are not only inspiring venues, but engaged in learning and exploration by their very nature. They showcase natural diversity and are important research partners for nature and wildlife conservation projects.
The Natural History Museum Vienna is a research museum that emerged from the Imperial collections and looks back on a history of more than 270 years. Dedicated to “the realm of nature and its exploration”, the museum is a total work of art with a unique atmosphere. It is committed to conserving and expanding its extensive scientific collections as the basis of research and presentations to the public.
Both world-renowned institutions are not only inspiring venues, but engaged in learning and exploration by their very nature. They showcase natural diversity and are important research partners for nature and wildlife conservation projects.
Monday, 25. September 2023
During the 2023 Museums Night, the Natural History Museum Vienna showcases its scientific collections
On Saturday,
7 October 2023 , the “ORF Long Night of Museums” opens museums to visitors between 6 p.m. and 1 a.m. This year, the Natural History Museum Vienna
offers an extensive programme hinging on the theme of “archives of the future”. Monday, 18. September 2023
NHM cave research delves ever deeper into the Steinbockschacht shaft: Styria’s deepest cave surveyed at 1,127 metres in the Hochschwab massif
The Hochschwab massif is one of the largest karst massifs
of the Northern Calcareous Alps, though it is not among the most widely known. The Natural History Museum Vienna’s karst and
cave research team and the state cave research association of Vienna and Lower Austria have carried out extensive research
there since 1996 in order to collect data fundamental to quality assurance for Vienna’s drinking water supply.
Friday, 08. September
INSIDES Behind the scenes of the Natural History Museum Vienna | Photographic insights by Stefan Oláh
Special exhibition from 13 September 2023 in the renovated Hall 21
Tuesday, 05. September 2023
Archaeology on the Mountain 2023: Research Past and Present
The Natural History Museum Vienna
and the Hallstatt Salzwelten are happy to announce the 2023 issue of their traditional “Archaeology on the Mountain” event.
On Saturday, 16 and Sunday, 17 September 2023, from 10:00 to 17:00, the public is invited to an open day to learn about the
world of prehistoric miners. The main theme of this year's event is “Research Past and Present”.
Monday, 21. August
Wild bee diversity in sharp decline in eastern Marchfeld region
Boasting more
than 700 recorded species, Austria is a European hot spot of wild bee diversity. The number of species recorded in Lower Austria
alone is higher than that found in all of Germany. A current study published by researchers of the Natural History Museum
(NHM) Vienna and the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna documents the changes found in
wild bee populations and landscapes in and around the “Sandberge Oberweiden” nature reserve in the eastern Marchfeld region.
Friday, 18. August 2023
A gold treasure comprising five artefacts was discovered in 2019/2020 in the Late Bronze
Age settlement at Ebreichsdorf during an archaeological dig undertaken by Novetus GmbH in the course of the extension of the
Pottendorf railway line by the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB). The gold artefacts were analysed in order to shed light on
their making and origin. The Federal Monuments Office then carried out conservation work on the artefacts.
On 18 August 2023 at 10:30 a.m., the Natural History Museum Vienna will host a press conference in its auditorium together with ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG.
On 18 August 2023 at 10:30 a.m., the Natural History Museum Vienna will host a press conference in its auditorium together with ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG.
Wednesday, 26. July 2023
Invitation to the press conference and presentation “The gold treasure found at Ebreichsdorf”
A gold treasure comprising five artefacts was discovered in 2019/2020 in the Late Bronze Age settlement at Ebreichsdorf during
an archaeological dig undertaken by Novetus GmbH in the course of the extension of the Pottendorf railway line by the Austrian
Federal Railways (ÖBB). The gold artefacts were analysed in order to shed light on their making and origin. The Federal Monuments
Office then carried out conservation work on the artefacts.
On 18 August 2023 at 10:30 a.m., the Natural History Museum Vienna will host a press conference in its auditorium together with ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG.
On 18 August 2023 at 10:30 a.m., the Natural History Museum Vienna will host a press conference in its auditorium together with ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG.
Wednesday, 12. July 2023
Invitation to the Press Conference: “The Virus and Us”
Where do viruses come
from? Since when have they been in existence on our planet? A new knowledge station at the Natural History Museum (NHM) Vienna
answers questions about viruses and also presents a new virus model – a greatly magnified model of SARS-CoV2, the virus that
triggers Covid infections. Developed and built in cooperation with the IMBA, the Institute for Molecular Biotechnology of
the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the model will be on show on the NHM’s “Deck 50” from 26 July 2023.
Press conference on Tuesday, 25 July 2023, at 10:30 a.m.
Press conference on Tuesday, 25 July 2023, at 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, 05. July 2023
Hallstatt - new early Iron Age grave discovered
Bronze burial objects and textile
remains found in a newly discovered prehistoric cremation grave at the Salzberg in Hallstatt. The burial ground is larger
than previously assumed.
Monday, 19. June 2023
Secret of mysterious fossils from Vienna's underground uncovered!
Tiny pyrite tubes found in boreholes in the context of
the construction of a new underground line in Vienna contain clues about unusual methane production 11 million years ago.
Tuesday, 13. June 2023
Invitation to the press conference: New permanent exhibition "World of Crystals"
14 June 2023
is the launch date for the new permanent mineralogy exhibition entitled “World of Crystals” in Hall 1 of the Natural History
Museum (NHM) Vienna. After the extensive renovation and redesign of several display cases, the impressive exhibition will
demonstrate why crystals in all their symmetry and magnificent colours hold so much fascination.
Press conference on tuesday, June 13, 10.30 a.m.
Press conference on tuesday, June 13, 10.30 a.m.
Tuesday, 30. May 2023
Hallstatt 2023 – Research and Knowledge Transfer
Ever since the establishment
of the Natural History Museum (NHM) Vienna in 1870, Hallstatt research has enjoyed close ties with the museum on Vienna's
Ringstrasse Boulevard. Between 1846 and 1863, the Hallstatt Iron Age burial ground was systematically investigated for the
first time. Under the NHM’s first director, Ferdinand von Hochstetter (1829-1884), further excavations from 1877 to 1878 unearthed
burial objects from 27 excavated graves that were then transferred to the new museum in Vienna. This Iron Age burial ground
is currently the venue of new investigations and the oldest known shaft in the prehistoric salt mine is now also accessible
for research.
Thursday, 25. May 2023
150th anniversary of World Exhibition: Natural History Museum Vienna launches new social media series
The 1873 World Exhibition in Vienna has left its imprint on the collections of the Natural History Museum (NHM) Vienna. On
the occasion of the World Fair’s 150th anniversary, the NHM Vienna has launched a social media series designed to present
in the coming weeks highlights from the holdings of related written documents, images from the archives and objects from the
fields of mineralogy, zoology and botany on the Museum’s digital channels.
Tuesday, 23. May 2023
Special exhibition in the Narrenturm: Radiation damage
All radiation – be it ultraviolet, heat,
X-rays or nuclear radiation – will cause damage to the human organism if it is exposed to too much for too long.The new exhibition
"Radiation damage" in the three special exhibition rooms in the Narrenturm will show the effects of radiation on the human
body from 24 May 2023 to 20 April 2024.
Wednesday, 17. May 2023
New book: Birds of the Lake Neusiedl Region
A new book published by the Natural History Museum Vienna
is devoted to a detailed exploration of the great variety of avian fauna around Lake Neusiedl, featuring all 371 species of
wild birds that have been documented in the region. The region was mapped over decades in close cooperation between Austrian
and Hungarian ornithologists. The book is available for pre-order until 15 September 2023 for a subscription price of €65
(later €95) at the publishing house of NHM Vienna.
Wednesday, 03. May 2023
New research project on global climate catastrophe during Triassic period: Drilling into the Earth’s History
Under the lead of the Natural history Museum (NHM) Vienna, an international team will spend
the next three years investigating a worldwide climatic crisis that took place during the Triassic period: the Carnian Pluvial
Episode (CPE). Rocks and fossils from the Alpine Triassic bear witness to this ecological disaster, one of the largest in
the history of the planet. When it hit the planet 233-235 million years ago, this episode was marked by a climate change that
resulted in global mass extinction in the Mesozoic oceans.
Thursday, 27. April 2023
“Girls’ Day” at the NHM Vienna – Federal Minister Martin Polaschek came to visit
On the occasion of this year’s “Girls‘ Day”, the NHM Vienna contributed to an initiative of the Austrian Federal Ministry
of Education, Science and Research, aiming to provide career guidance for girls and young women by giving them a wide range
of insights into the world of science and museum operations. In the morning, Federal Minister Martin Polaschek paid the museum
a visit.
Monday, 03. April
New at the NHM Vienna: children’s university “Club Vielfalt” with workshops for children and adolescents
“Club Vielfalt” is the title of the NHM Vienna’s new childrens’ university programme series: between April and November 2023,
workshops for children from the age of 8 and adolescents provide insights into the museum’s research activities. The NHM childrens’
university is part of the “2023 Childrens’ and Youth Universities”, a funding programme of the Austrian Federal Ministry of
Education, Science and Research.
Friday, 31. March 2023
Print your own dinosaur: "Diplodocus carnegii" is the new addition to the 3D Museum of NHM Vienna
Celebrating its second anniversary in April this year, the 3D Museum of the Natural History Museum Vienna by now boasts roughly
200 freely accessible 3D models on the Sketchfab platform. Now the NHM’s biggest display item has arrived at the digital museum:
the skeleton of Diplodocus carnegii which dominates the museum’s dinosaur hall with its 27 metres in length and is
very popular with the visitors.
Friday, 24. March 2023
NHM Vienna participates in global natural science database initiative
The results of a global initiative aimed
at making the collections of the world's largest natural history museums accessible to everyone are now being presented in
a new scientific publication. The initiative’s objective is to create a uniform database that leverages the collections of
73 museums in 28 countries. Under the leadership of CEO Dr. Katrin Vohland, the Natural History Museum (NHM) Vienna takes
part in this initiative.
Tuesday, 21. March 2023
Easter at the Natural History Museum Vienna: a programme for the whole family
The Easter Bunny, Easter eggs
and catkin twigs can be seen in many places during the Easter holidays. But what is the origin of the related customs stories?
The Easter holiday programme at the NHM Vienna is hot on the trail of the Easter Bunny.
Thursday, 23. February
New: Geology Hall at the Natural History Museum presents “The Earth. A dynamic planet”
When the NHM’s former Imperial Hall was reopened on 21 February 2023, the limelight was on the Earth as a dynamic planet.
Open to visitors as of now, the new Geology Hall features an exhibition designed by the architectural firm Schuberth und Schuberth.
It focuses on the structure and composition of the Earth as well as the beginning of the Anthropocene and illustrates that
everything could have gone quite differently!
Tuesday, 21. February 2023
Invitation to the press conference: The Earth. A Dynamic Planet
Hall 6 - the former "Kaisersaal" - is undergoing general
renovation and will be open to the public in a new setting from 22 February 2023. The new permanent exhibition "The Earth.
A Dynamic Planet" focuses on the structure of the Earth as well as the beginning of the Anthropocene and shows that everything
could have turned out quite differently.
On Tuesday, 21 February 2023, at 10:30 a.m., the NHM Vienna invites you to a press conference on the occasion of the newly designed hall.
On Tuesday, 21 February 2023, at 10:30 a.m., the NHM Vienna invites you to a press conference on the occasion of the newly designed hall.
Thursday, 16. February
Natural History Museum Vienna and Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art are part of EU-wide project “Throwaway - The history of a modern crisis”
The Natural History Museum Vienna (NHM) and the Austrian
Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art are participating in a cooperation project initiated and organised by the House of European
History (HEH) around the vast topic of producing, throwing away, reusing and preventing waste. Waste is perhaps the most visible
and tangible aspect of the looming environmental crisis. The project seeks to make the untold history of waste visible in
Europe and thus tell a story of social change.
Monday, 13. February 2023
Analysis of cattle bones sheds new light on Iron Age in Austria
A new scientific
study at the NHM Vienna has found that cattle from the Mediterranean region came to areas in present-day Austria as early
as the Iron Age, between 450 BCE and the end of the first century BCE. The study’s results supply the first genetic evidence
of cattle mobility and cattle imports from southern regions, shedding new light on socio-economic population structures in
the Iron Age.
Friday, 27. January 2023
Natural History Museum Vienna launches wildlife crime project for schools
cooperation with several international and national cooperation partners, including the Austrian Customs Office, researchers
of the NHM Vienna have developed a series of workshops and lectures for schoolchildren intended to raise awareness about wildlife
crime and species protection. The first workshop was held on 27 January 2023 at the NHM Vienna.
Friday, 20. January
New Year's Reception: Mid-term review at the Natural History Museum Vienna
At the 2022/23 turn of the year, Director General and CEO Dr Katrin Vohland has decided to take stock of her first two and
a half years at the Natural History Museum Vienna. Together with CFO Mag. Markus Roboch she will also provide an outlook on
the major structural and conceptual development and modernisation of the NHM Vienna in the next few years.