Brigitte Friedrich

Phone: +43 1 52177-245
Fax: +43 1 52177-229
  • 02.02.1953 born in Hattingen/Ruhr (Germany); German Citizen


  • 1971 - 1976 Study of Biology (University Bochum)
  • 1976 Dipl. Biol. (Master of Biology) [diploma thesis about the impact of herbizids inducing chloroses on grain seedlings - supervised by Prof. Feierabend]
  • 1978 Commence PhD
  • 1981 Promotion Dr. rer. nat. (Doctor of Science) [doctoral thesis about the impact of whole body hyperthermia on the glucose metabolism of mice - supervised by Prof. Streffer]


  • 1978 - 1981 University of Essen, Institute of Radiobiology, Research Assistant
  • 1981 - 1987 IMMUNO AG Vienna, Department of product information
  • 1994 - 2019 Natural History Museum Vienna, Department of Botany, free employment


Bara Cristian-Dan
Project researcher
Berger Andreas
staff scientist, curator Phanerogamen
Chytny Krystof
project researcher
Gottwald Isolde
project researcner Skills4EOSC
Grimm Franz
Hille Astrid
Assistance Botany / library
Huber Katharina
Project Employee "Catalogus Phaneorgamarum"
Ioni Susanna
Project Employee for „FAIRiCUBE“
Kiesel Megumi
Research Coordination; Herbarium Assistance
Korth Frederike
Project Employee "OSCA"
Micai Giulia
Project Employee „TETTRIs“
Rainer Heimo
Head of Department of Botany
Ritschard Elena
project researcher
Schuster Tanja
staff scientist, Curator of Cryptogams, Deputy Head of The Department of Botany
Walter Johannes
staff scientist, Collections Manager
Wurz Andrea