Eva Kaminsky

project researcher Karstwasser
Phone: +43 1 5230418-15
Reviewed Articles
Plan, L., Oberender, P. & Kaminsky, E. (2020): Verwitterungshöhlen in Gosau-Dolomit-Brekzien bei Türnitz (Niederösterreich). - Die Höhle, 71: 89-104

Conference Articles & Scientific Talks 
Kaminsky, E., Plan, L. & Wagner, T. (2020): Characterization of the water flow regime in the upper vadose zone, Furtowischacht (Hochschwab, Austria), EGU General Assembly (2020; Vienna),

Kaminsky, E. & Plan, L. (2019): Hydrological monitoring in an Alpine vadose shaft to estimate the storage capacity of the epikarst, Hochschwab (Austria), INTERNATIONAL Karstological School Classical Karst (27; 2019; Postojna), Karst hydrogeology - research trends and applications: abstracts & guide book

Non-Reviewed Articles (selected) 
Plan, L. & Kaminsky, E. (2020): Einmal was ganz anderes: Eine Befahrung des Fuchslabyrinths und Anmerkungen zur seiner Entstehung. - Höhlenkundl. Mitt. Wien, 76: 58-62.

Frank, R. Kaminsky, E. & Plan, L. (2020): Tour in die Laichinger Tiefenhöhle. - Höhlenkundl. Mitt. Wien, 76: 63-64.

Sulzbacher, D. & Kaminsky, E. (2020): Mikrospeläologie am Sonntag. – Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen Wien, 76: 100-101.


Baron Ivo
Associated Scientist
Eder Johanna
Associated Scientist
Funk Barbara
project researcher
Fürst Anton
Göhlich Ursula B.
staff scientist and senior curator of the fossil vertebrate collection
Harzhauser Mathias
Head of Department and curator of the paleobotanical collection
Höck Gudrun
Associated Scientist
Köberl Christian
Associated Scientist
Kollmann Heinz
Associated Scientist
Kroh Andreas
Vice CEO Science; staff scientist; head of the NHM Vienna publishing house
Lukeneder Alexander
vice-head of the department, staff scientist and senior curator of the mesozoic invertebrates
Madl Julia
Project researcher
Mandic Oleg
staff scientist and senior curator of the cenozoic invertebrates
Mays Chris
Staff Scientist and Senior Curator of the Palaeobotany Collection
Nagl Michael
staff scientist
Nichterl Thomas
collection manager
Oberender Pauline
staff scientist
Pavuza Rudolf
Associated Scientist
Plan Lukas
staff scientist
Rögl Fred
Associated Scientist
Schultz Ortwin
Associated Scientist
Weinmann Anna E.
staff scientist and senior curator of the micropaleontological collection