Lukas Graf
Project researcher Relaunch "Kulturpool"
Director General's Office
Berndl Sabina
Assistant to the CFO
Fischer Philip
Project coordinator Relaunch "Kulturpool"
Kiesel Megumi
Project Administration;
Herbarium Assistance
Kroh Andreas
Vice CEO Science; staff scientist; head of
the NHM Vienna publishing house
Lechner Amelie
apprentice assistant to the CFO
Lhotak Elke
Deputy CFO; proxy; head of human resources and legal affairs
Mayer Thomas
Provenance research
Palacz Julian
Deputy project
coordinator Relaunch "Kulturpool"
Pirgie Gregor
Project researcher
Relaunch "Kulturpool"
Rattner Gerlinde
administrative assistant of the CFO
Roboch Markus
Chief Financial Officer
Schmidbauer Sonja
researcher Relaunch "Kulturpool"
Unterhofer Sebastian
Project researcher Relaunch "Kulturpool"
Vohland Katrin
Director General/
Weiß Elisabeth
Project researcher Relaunch "Kulturpool"
Research Coordination