18. August 2023
A gold treasure comprising five artefacts was discovered
in 2019/2020 in the Late Bronze Age settlement at Ebreichsdorf during an archaeological dig undertaken by Novetus GmbH in
the course of the extension of the Pottendorf railway line by the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB). The gold artefacts were
analysed in order to shed light on their making and origin. The Federal Monuments Office then carried out conservation work
on the artefacts.
On 18 August 2023 at 10:30 a.m., the Natural History Museum Vienna will host a press conference in its auditorium together with ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG.
On 18 August 2023 at 10:30 a.m., the Natural History Museum Vienna will host a press conference in its auditorium together with ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG.
On 18 August 2023 at 10:30 a.m., the Natural History Museum Vienna will
host a press conference in its auditorium together with ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG.
Venue: Natural History Museum Vienna, Maria-Theresien-Platz, 1010 Vienna, auditorium on the mezzanine level
Admission: from 10:00 a.m.
Start: 10:30 a.m.
Dr. Katrin Vohland, Director General of NHM Vienna
Presentation of the short film: Crazy Eye – Conservation and analysis of the gold treasure of Ebreichsdorf
DI Judith Engel, MBA MSc MSc, Board Member of ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG
Official signing of the donation deed by ÖBB and NHM Vienna
On the significance of the gold treasure of Ebreichsdorf; presentation of the new publication
Dr. Karina Grömer, Head of the Department of Prehistory of NHM Vienna
Ebreichsdorf as a showcase project of cultural heritage preservation
Dr. Christoph Bazil, President of the Federal Monuments Office, Austria
Followed by the depositing of the gold treasure in the Gold Cabinet of NHM Vienna by the conservators of the Department of Prehistory of NHM Vienna
The press conference will be followed by an international symposium featuring recent research in the context of prehistorical gold artefacts from the second and first centuries BCE found in Europe. At the conference from 18 till 20 August 2023, the international, interdisciplinary team of experts that has analysed numerous aspects of the making, workmanship, cultural significance and origin of the gold treasure found at Ebreichsdorf since 2020 will present its results for the first time.
The official ceremony for the donation of the gold treasure to the Natural History Museum Vienna by ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG, as well as the presentation of a book on the gold treasure found at Ebreichsdorf, will take place in the evening of 18 August 2023, starting at 6:30 p.m.
The gold treasure found at Ebreichsdorf:
The key artefact in the trove is an intricately decorated golden bowl, the only one of its kind found in the Central European region to date. Such bowls are usually thought to have served as religious objects. The decorations lend credence to the bowl’s religious nature, as they appear to be related to sun worship, which was widespread in the Bronze Age. In addition to the golden bowl, the trove also includes three gold spirals and spiral bundles as well as a gold wire bundle. According to preliminary analysis by experts at the Natural History Museum Vienna, this could be the remains of a textile woven with gold thread and fringe wrapped in gold wire.
Principal of the excavation/owner of the artefacts: ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG
Excavation: Novetus GmbH
Financing: ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG, Federal Monuments Office
Scientific analysis: Novetus GmbH, NHM Vienna (Department of Prehistory, Central Research Laboratories), University of Vienna (Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science), Curt-Engelhorn-Centre of Archaeometry Mannheim
Conservation: Federal Monuments Office, NHM Vienna (Department of Prehistory)
Please register for the press conference by email to: anton.zwischenberger@nhm-wien.ac.at
Press materials:
Press contacts:
Mag. Irina Kubadinow
Head of Press & Public Relations, press spokesperson
Tel.: + 43 (1) 521 77 – 410
Mag. Anton Zwischenberger
Press & Public Relations
Tel.: + 43 (1) 521 77 – 411
Venue: Natural History Museum Vienna, Maria-Theresien-Platz, 1010 Vienna, auditorium on the mezzanine level
Admission: from 10:00 a.m.
Start: 10:30 a.m.
Dr. Katrin Vohland, Director General of NHM Vienna
Presentation of the short film: Crazy Eye – Conservation and analysis of the gold treasure of Ebreichsdorf
DI Judith Engel, MBA MSc MSc, Board Member of ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG
Official signing of the donation deed by ÖBB and NHM Vienna
On the significance of the gold treasure of Ebreichsdorf; presentation of the new publication
Dr. Karina Grömer, Head of the Department of Prehistory of NHM Vienna
Ebreichsdorf as a showcase project of cultural heritage preservation
Dr. Christoph Bazil, President of the Federal Monuments Office, Austria
Followed by the depositing of the gold treasure in the Gold Cabinet of NHM Vienna by the conservators of the Department of Prehistory of NHM Vienna
The press conference will be followed by an international symposium featuring recent research in the context of prehistorical gold artefacts from the second and first centuries BCE found in Europe. At the conference from 18 till 20 August 2023, the international, interdisciplinary team of experts that has analysed numerous aspects of the making, workmanship, cultural significance and origin of the gold treasure found at Ebreichsdorf since 2020 will present its results for the first time.
The official ceremony for the donation of the gold treasure to the Natural History Museum Vienna by ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG, as well as the presentation of a book on the gold treasure found at Ebreichsdorf, will take place in the evening of 18 August 2023, starting at 6:30 p.m.
The gold treasure found at Ebreichsdorf:
The key artefact in the trove is an intricately decorated golden bowl, the only one of its kind found in the Central European region to date. Such bowls are usually thought to have served as religious objects. The decorations lend credence to the bowl’s religious nature, as they appear to be related to sun worship, which was widespread in the Bronze Age. In addition to the golden bowl, the trove also includes three gold spirals and spiral bundles as well as a gold wire bundle. According to preliminary analysis by experts at the Natural History Museum Vienna, this could be the remains of a textile woven with gold thread and fringe wrapped in gold wire.
Principal of the excavation/owner of the artefacts: ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG
Excavation: Novetus GmbH
Financing: ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG, Federal Monuments Office
Scientific analysis: Novetus GmbH, NHM Vienna (Department of Prehistory, Central Research Laboratories), University of Vienna (Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science), Curt-Engelhorn-Centre of Archaeometry Mannheim
Conservation: Federal Monuments Office, NHM Vienna (Department of Prehistory)
Please register for the press conference by email to: anton.zwischenberger@nhm-wien.ac.at
Press materials:
Press contacts:
Mag. Irina Kubadinow
Head of Press & Public Relations, press spokesperson
Tel.: + 43 (1) 521 77 – 410
Mag. Anton Zwischenberger
Press & Public Relations
Tel.: + 43 (1) 521 77 – 411