Dan Topa

Associated scientist
Dan Topas ORCID record:
NHM Wien
Phone: +43 1 52177-588/267/246


  • 19.11.2001 Promotion (Mineralogie-Kristallographie) zum Dr. rer. nat.
  • 1997-2001 Dissertation an der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Salzburg (Institut für Mineralogie). Titel: "Mineralogy, crystal-structure and crystal-chemistry of the bismuthinite-aikinite series from Felbertal, Austria"
  • 27.06.1990 Nostrifikation des rumänischen akademischen Grades “Diplom in Physik”
  • 15.06.1980 Sponsion zum Mag. rer. nat.
  • 1979-1980 Diplomarbeit an der Universität Bukarest (Fakultät für Physik) Rumänien. Titel: "Delay Line with Acoustic Surface Waves" (translated from Romanian).
  • 1975-1980 Studium der Physik (Festkörperphysik), Universität Bukarest (Fakultät für Physik) Rumänien.

Beruflicher Werdegang

  • 01.05.2013 - 31.05.2021 Angestellter am Naturhistorischen Museum Wien, Zentrale Forschungslaboratorien (2013 bis 2020) und Mineralogisch-Petrographische Abt. (2020-2021)
  • seit 01.02.2007 - 31.09.2012 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoc) an der Universität Salzburg, Fachbereich Materialforschung und Physik im Christian Doppler Laboratorium: Projekt "Applications of Sulfosalts in Energy Conversion"
  • 01.08.2004 - 30.11.2005 Selbstständige wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit (Postdoc): FWF-Projekt-P17349-N10 "Structural investigation of Bi-based sulfosalts"
  • 15.04.1989 - 01.08.2004 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit in verschiedenen FWF-Projekten an der Universität Salzburg (Institut für Geologie und Institut für Mineralogie): P10275-GEO, P10506-GEO, P11987-GEO, P14028-TEC, P13974-NO6, P15802-NO6

Akademische Lehrtätigkeit

  • 1991-2005 Lehrauftrag "Einführung in die Elektronenstrahlmikroanalytik“ und  „Einführung in die Bild-Analyse“ an der Universität Salzburg (Institut für Geologie und Institut für Mineralogie)

Original papers in peer-revied scientific journals


Schulz, T., Povinec, P. P., Ferrière, L., Jull, T. A. J., Kováčik, A., Sýkora, I., Tusch, J., Münker, C, Topa, D. and Koeberl, C. (2019) The complex history of the Tissint meteorite, from its crystallization on Mars to its landing on Earth, inferred from isotopic systems and cosmogenic nuclides. Meteoritics and Planetary Science (Submitted 12/04/2019).

Steven Goderis, S., Bastien Soens, B., Huber, M.S., Seann McKibbin, S., van Ginneken, M., Debaille, V., Greenwood, R.C., Ian A. Franchi, I.A., Cnudde V., van Malderen, S., Frank Vanhaecke, F., Koeberl, C., Topa, D. and Philippe Claeys, P. (2019) Cosmic spherules from Widerøefjellet, Sør Rondane Mountains (East Antarctica). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (in press).

Birger Schmitz, B., Feist, R., Meier, M.M., Martin, E., Philipp R., Heck, P.R., Lenaz, D., Topa, D., Busemann, H., Maden, C., Plant, A.A. and Fredrik Terfelt, F. (2019) The micrometeorite flux to Earth 1 during the Frasnian-Famennian transition reconstructed in the Coumiac GSSP section, France. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (in press)

Topa, D., Kolitsch, U., Graeser, S., Makovicky, E. and Stanley, C. (2019) Argentoliveingite, Ag3+xPb36-2xAs51+xS112 (0 ≤ x < 0.5), a new homeotype of liveingite from Lengenbach, Binntal, Switzerland, and the crystal chemistry of the liveingite group. Eur. J. Mineral., 31 (in press)

Ertl, A., Topa, D., Giester, G., Rossman G.R., Tilmanns, E. and Konzett, J. (2019) Sr-bearing high-pressure tourmaline from the Kreuzeck Mountains,Eastern Alps, Austria. Eur. J. Mineral., 31 (in press), PrePub DOI: 10.1127/ejm/2019/0031-2863

Paar WH, Ma C, Topa D, Culetto FJ, Hammer VFM, Guan Y, Braithwaite RSW (2019) Discovery of native aluminium on Variscan metagranitoids in Upper Carinthia, Austria: natural or anthropogenic origin? Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali. DOI:10.1007/s12210-019-00760-5 [epdf]
Makovicky, E., Topa, D. and Paar, W.H. (2018) The definition and crystal structure of clino-oscarkempffite, Ag15Pb6Sb21Bi18S72. Eur. J. Mineral., 30(3), 569–5791. https://doi.org/10.1127/ejm/2017/0029-2688

Makovicky, E., Topa, D. and Stoeger, B. (2018) The crystal structures of heptasartorite, Tl7Pb22As55S108 and enneasartorite, Tl6Pb32As70S140, two members of an anion-omission series of complex sulfosalts. European Journal of Mineralogy, 30, 149-164.

Makovicky, E., Stoeger, B. and Topa, D. (2018) The incommensurately modulated crystal structure of roshchinite, Cu0.09Ag1.04Pb0.65Sb2.82As0.37S6.08. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie – Crystalline Materials, 233(3-4), 255-268. https://doi.org/10.1515/zkri-2017-2126

Keutsch, F., Topa, D., Takagi Fredrickson, R., Makovicky, E. and Paar, H.W. (2018) Agmantinite, Ag2MnSnS4, a new mineral with a wurtzite derivative structure from the Uchucchacua Polymetallic deposit, Lima Department, Peru. Mineral. Mag., 82, xxx-yyy. https://doi.org/10.1180/mgm.2018.139

Keutsch, F., Topa, D. and Makovicky, E. (2018) Hyršlite, Pb8As10Sb6S32, a new member of the sartorite homologous series from the Uchucchacua polymetallic deposit, Peru. European Journal of Mineralogy, 30(6), 1155-1162. https://doi.org/10.1127/ejm/2018/0030-2797

Topa, D. and Kolitsch, U. (2018) The crystal chemistry of rathite based on new electron- microprobe data and single-crystal structure refinements: the role of thallium. Minerals, 8(10), 466. https://doi.org/10.3390/min8100466.

Baziotis, I., Asimow, P.D., Hu, J., Ferrière, L., Ma, C., Cernok, A., Anand, M. and Topa, D. (2018) High pressure minerals in the Château-Renard (L6) ordinary chondrite: implications for collisions on its  parent body. Scientific Reports, 8, Article number: 9851 (2018).
DOI. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-28191-6
Ovung, T.N., Ray, J., Ghosh, B., Christian Koeberl, C., Topa, D., Madhuparna Paul, M. (2017) Clinopyroxene composition of volcanics from the Manipur Ophiolite, Northeastern India: implications to geodynamic setting. Int J Earth Sci. DOI 10.1007/s00531-017-1529-y

Topa, D., Kolitsch, U., Makovicky, E., Stanley, C.J. (2017) Écrinsite, AgTl3Pb4As11Sb9S36, a new thallium-rich homeotype of baumhauerite from the Jas Roux sulphosalt deposit, Parc National des Écrins, Hautes-Alpes, France. European Journal of Mineralogy, 29, 689-700. https://doi.org/10.1127/ejm/2017/0029-2639

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Stoeger, B., Stanley, C.J. (2017) Heptasartorite, Tl7Pb22As55S108, enneasartorite, Tl6Pb32As70S140, and hendekasartorite, Tl2Pb48As82S172, three members of the anion-omission series of ‘sartorites’ from the Lengenbach quarry at Binntal, Wallis, Switzerland. European Journal of Mineralogy, 27, https://doi.org/10.1127/ejm/2017/0029-2634

Topa, D., Keutsch, F., Makovicky, E., Kolitsch, U., Paar, H.W. (2017) Polloneite, a new complex Pb(-Ag)-As-Sb sulfosalt from the Pollone mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy. Mineral. Mag., 81, https://doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2017.081.003

Topa, D., Makovicky, E. (2017) The crystal structure of veenite. Mineral. Mag., 81, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2016.080.141
Redhammer, G.J., Rettenwander, D., Pristat, S., Dashjav, E., Kumar, C.M.N., Topa, D., Tietz, F. (2016) A single crystal X-ray and powder neutron diffraction study on NASICON-type Li1+xAlxTi2-x(PO4)3 (0 < x < 0.5) crystals: Implications on ionic conductivity. Solid State Sciences, 60, 99-107. DOI: 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2016.08.011

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Paar, W.H., Stanley, C.J., Roberts, A.C. (2016) Oscarkempffite, Ag10Pb4(Sb17Bi9)S26S48, a new Sb-Bi member of the lillianite homologous series. Mineralogical Magazine, 80, 809-817. doi:10.1180/minmag.2016.080.024

Topa, D., Makovicky, E. (2016) Argentobaumhauerite: name, chemistry, crystal structure, comparison with baumhauerite, and position in mineralization sequence. Mineralogical Magazine, 80, 819-840. doi:10.1180/minmag.2016.080.025

Giester, G., Lengauer, C.L., Pristacz, H., Rieck, B., Topa, D., Von Bezing K.L. (2016) Cairncrossite, a new Ca-Sr (-Na) phyllosilicate from the Wessels Mine, Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa. Eur. J. Mineral., 28, 495-505. doi:10.1127/ejm/2016/0028-2519

Ageeva, O., Habler, G., Topa, D., Waitz, T., Li, C., Pertsev, P., Griffiths, T., Zhilicheva, O., Abart, R. (2016) Plagioclase hosted Fe-Ti-Oxidemicro-inclusions in an oceanic gabbro-Plagiogranite association from the mid-Atlantic ridge at 13°34’ N. American Journal of Science,
316, 85–109. doi: 10.2475/02.2016.01

Bindi, L., Topa, D., Keutsch, F.N. (2016) How much copper can the pearceite structure sustain? The case of cupropearceite from Tsumeb, Namibia. Periodico di Mineralogia, 84, 341-350. doi: 10.2451/2015PM0017
Povinec, P. P., Laubenstein, M., Jull, A. J. T., Ferrière, L., Brandstätter, F., Sýkora, I., Masarik, J., Beño, J., Kováčik, A., Topa, D., Koeberl, C. (2015) Cosmogenic radionuclides and mineralogical properties of the Chelyabinsk (LL5) meteorite: What do we learn about the meteoroid? Meteoritics and Planetary Science 50(2):273–286. doi: 10.1111/maps.12419

Makovicky, E., Topa, D. (2015) Crystal chemical formula for sartorite homologues. Mineralogical Magazine, 79(1), 25-31. https://doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2015.079.1.03
Makovicky, E., Topa, D. (2014) Lillianites and andorites: new life for the oldest homologous series of sulfosalts. Mineralogical Magazine, 78(2), 387-414. https://doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2014.078.2.11

Makovicky, E., Topa, D. (2014) The crystal structure of jasrouxite, a Pb-Ag-As-Sb member of the lillianite homologous series. European Journal of Mineralogy, 26, 145–155. https://doi.org/10.1127/0935-1221/2013/0025-2344

Makovicky, E., Topa, D. (2014) The crystal structure of ferdowsiite Ag8Sb4(As,Sb)4S16 and its relations to other ABX2 (A=Ag; B=As,Sb,Bi; X=S,Se). Zeitschrift für Kristallographie – Crystalline Materials, 229(12), 783-795. https://doi.org/10.1515/zkri-2014-1771
Makovicky, E., Topa, D., Tajeddin, H., Putz, H., Zagler G. (2013) Ferdowsiite: a new mineral from the Barika ore deposit, Iran. The Canadian Mineralogist, 51, 727-734. DOI : 10.3749/canmin.51.5.727

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Tajedin, H., Putz, H., Zagler, G. (2013) Barikaite, Ag3Pb10(Sb8As11)Σ19S40, a new member of the sartorite homologous series. Mineralogical Magazine, 77, 3039-3046. https://doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2013.077.7.13

Makovicky, E., Topa, D. (2013) The crystal structure of barikaite. Mineralogical Magazine, 77, 3093-3104. https://doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2013.077.8.04

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Favreau, G., Bourgoin, V., Boulliard, J.-C. (2013) Jasrouxite, a new Pb–Ag–As–Sb member of the lillianite homologous series from Jas Roux, Hautes-Alpes, France. Eur. J. Mineral. 25, 1031–1038. DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2013/0025-2336

Perez-Mato, J. M.., Elcoro, L., Makovicky, E., Topa, D., Petricek, V., Madariaga, G. (2013) Conspicuous variation of the lattice unit cell in the pavonite homologous series and its relation with cation/anion occupational modulations. Materials Research Buletin  48(6), 2166-2174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.materresbull.2013.02.008
Makovicky, E., Topa, D. (2012) Twinnite, Pb0.80Tl0.05Sb1.31As0.80S4.04, the OD character and the question of its polytypism. Z. Kristallogr., 227(8), 468-475. DOI 10.1524/zkri.2012.1491

Topa, D., Sejkora, J., Makovicky, E., Pršek, J., Ozdin, D., Putz, H., Dittrich, H.,  Karup-Møller S. (2012) Chovanite, Pb15-2xSb14+2xS36Ox (x ~ 0.2), a new sulfosalt species from the Low Tatra Mountains, Western Carpathians, Slovakia. Eur. J. Mineral., 24(4), 727-740.
DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2012/0024-2189

Topa, D., Makovicky, E. (2012) Structures and classification of indium sulfosalts and the crystal structure of Sn12In19(Se,S)41. Can. Mineral., 50(2), 397-422. DOI : 10.3749/canmin.50.2.397

Topa D., Makovicky, E. (2012) Eclarite, new data and interpretations. Can. Mineral., 50(2), 371-386. DOI : 10.3749/canmin.50.2.371

Ilinca, G., Makovicky, E., Topa D., Zagler G. (2012) Cuproneyite, Cu7Pb27Bi25S68, a new mineral species from Băiţa Bihor, Romania.  Can. Mineral., 50(2), 353-370. https://doi.org/10.3749/canmin.50.2.353

Jelen, S., Prsek, J., Kovalenker, V.A., Topa, D., Ozdin, D., Seikora, J. (2012) Bismuth sulphosalts from the Banská Štiavnica – Hodruša ore field: mineralogy and chemical composition.  DOI: 10.3749/canmin.50.2.325

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Ilinca, G., Dittrich, H. (2012) Cupromakopavonite, Cu8Pb4Ag3Bi19S38, and the cupropavonite homologous series. Can. Mineral., 50(2), 295-312. DOI: 10.3749/canmin.50.2.295

Paar, W.H., Cooper, M., Moelo, Y., Stanley, C., Putz H., Topa D., Roberts AC., Stirling J. (2012) Eldragonite, Cu2BiSe4(S2), a new polaselenide species, and its crystal structure, from the El Dragon mine, Potosi, Bolivia. Can. Mineral., 50(2), 281-294. DOI:10.3749/canmin.50.2.281

Makovicky, E., Topa, D., Tajeddin, H., Rastad, E., Yaghubpur A.(2012) The crystal structure of guettardite, PbAsSbS4 and the twinnite-guettardite problem.Can. Mineral., 50(2), 253-265. DOI: 10.3749/canmin.50.2.253

Winkler, H.P., Topa, D., Keller, E. (2012) Pb5In3Bi5S17 and its structural relationship with Pb4In3Bi7S18. Acta Cryst., C68, i45–i49. doi:10.1107/S0108270112021865

Reis, I., Krämer, V., Seiler, A., Topa, D., Keller, E. (2012) Pb5.0(1)In8.4(1)Bi1.6(1)S20, a new quaternary lead indium bismuth sulfide. Acta Cryst., C68, i12–i16. DOI:10.1107/S0108270112001011
Makovicky, E., Petricek, V., Dusek, M., Topa D. (2011) The crystal structure of franckeite, Pb21.7Sn9.3Fe4Sb8.1S56.9. Am. Mineral. 96(1), 1686-1702. DOI: 10.2138/am.2011.3814

Stadler, A., Schimper, H.J., Brendel, U., Topa, D., Basch, A., Dittrich, H. (2011) Analysing UV/Vis/NIR Spectra with the single-layer model-Sputtered SnS Thin Films-I: Space-Time Dependencies. ThinSolid Films, 519(22), 7951-7958.

Sostaric, S.B., Palinkas, L.A., Topa, D., Spangenberg, J.E., Prochaska, W. (2011) Silver-base metal epithermal vein and listwaenite types of deposit Crnac, Rogozna Mts., Kosovo. Part I: Ore mineral geochemistry and sulfur isotope study. Ore Geology Reviews  40(1), 65-80.

Makovicky, E., Topa, D. (2011) The crystal structure of gustavite, PbAgBi3S6.  Analysis of twinning and polytypism using the OD approach. Eur. J. Mineral., 23(4), 537-550.
Sejkora, J., Makovicky, E., Topa, D. Putz, H., Zagler G., Plasil, J. (2011) Litochlebite, Ag2PbBiSe8, a new mineral species from Zalesi, Czech Republic: description and crystal-structure determination. Can. Mineral., 49(2), 639-650.

Stadler, A., Störllinger, J., Patcher, A., Aigner, G., Topa, D., Dittrich, H. (2011) Analysing UV/Vis/NIR Spectra-Sputtered ZnO:Al Thin Films-I: Space-Time Dependencies. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufactoring, 24(2), 366-374.
Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Schimper, H.J., Dittrich, H. (2010) The crystal structure of the (8;8) homologue of the lillianite homologous series. Can. Mineral., 48(5), 1127-1135.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Schimper, H.J., Stadler, A., Basch, A., Dittrich, H., Amthauer, G. (2010) The crystal structure of the new compound SnSb4S7, a new member of the meneghinite homologous series. Can. Mineral., 48(5), 1119-1126.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Sejkora, J., Dittrich, H. (2010) The crystal structure of watkinsonite Cu2PbBi4Se4, from the uranium deposit of Zalesi, Czech Republic. Can. Mineral., 48(5), 1109-1118.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E. (2010) Crystal-chemistry of cosalite based on new microprobe data and single-crystal structure determination. Can. Mineral., 48(5), 1081-1107.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Dittrich, H. (2010) The crystal structure of 7H:12Q cannizzarite from Vulcano, Italy. Can. Mineral., 48(3), 483-495.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Putz, H. (2010) The crystal structure of angelaite Cu2AgPbBiS4. Can. Mineral., 48(1), 145-153.

Topa, D., Paar, W.H., Putz, H., Zagle,r G., Brodtkorb, M.K.de, Stanley, C.J., Roberts, A.C., Makovicky, E. (2010) Mineralogical data on angelaite, Cu2AgPbBiS4, from the Los Manantiales District, Chubut, Argentina. Can. Mineral., 48(1), 139-144.

Paar, W.H., Pring, A., Moelo, Y., Stanley, C.J., Putz, H., Topa, D., Roberts, A.C., Braithwaite, R.S.W. (2009) Daliranite, PbHgAs2S6, a new sulfosats from the Zarshouran Au-As deposit, Takab region, Iran. Min. Mag., 73(5), 871-881.
Weber, S.U., Grodzicki, M., Lottermoser, W., Redhammer, G.J., Topa, D., Tippelt, G., Amthauer, G. (2008) 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray single-crystal diffractrometry, and electronic structure calculations on natural sinhalites. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 36(5), 259-269.

Dittrich, H., Stadler, A., Topa, D., Schimper, H.J., Basch A. (2009) Progress in sulfosalt research. Phys. Status Solidi A, 206(5), 1034-1041.

Makovicky, E., Topa, D. (2009) Crystal structures of sulphosalts with box-work architecture and their new representative, ‘Pb15Sb14S36O’. Can. Mineral., 47(1), 3-24.

Mumme, W.G., Topa, D., Makovicky, E. (2009) Proudite – a redetermination of its crystal structure and the proudite-felbeltalite homologous series. Can. Mineral., 47(1), 25-38.

Paar, W.H., Moelo, Y., Mozgova, N.N., Organova, N.F., Kuznetsova, O.Y., Roberts, A.C., Stanley, C.J., Culetto, F.J., Effenberger, H.L., Topa D., Putz, H., Sureda, R.J., Brodtkorb, M.K.de (2008)

Coiraite, (Pb,Sn2+)12.5As3Fe2+Sn4+5S28, a franckeite-type new mineral species and its paragenesis, from the Ag-Sn deposit Pirquitas, Province of Jujuy, NW- Argentina. Min. Mag., 72(5), 1083-1101.

Makovicky, E., Petricek, V., Dusek, M., Topa, D. (2008) Crystal structure of  synthetic tin-selenium representative of the cylindrite structure type. Amer. Min., 93(8), 1787-1798.

Topa, D., Petricek, V., Dusek, M., Makovicky, E., Balić-Žunić, T.(2008) Simultaneous refinement of two components of an exsolution intergrowth: crystal structure of the lindströmite-krupkaite pair. Can. Mineral., 46(2), 525-539.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Balić-Žunić, T. (2008) What is the reason of the doubled unit cell volumes of copper-lead rich pavonite homologues? The crystal structures of cupromakovickyite and makovickyite. Can. Mineral., 46(2), 515-523.

Topa, D., Paar, H.W. (2008) Cupromakovickyite, Cu8Pb4Ag2Bi18S36, a new mineral of the pavonite homologous series. Can. Mineral., 46(2), 503-514.

Moëlo, Y., Makovicky, E., Mozgova, N.N., Jambor, J.L.; Cook, N., Pring, A., Paar, W.H., Nickel, E.H.; Graeser, S., Karup-Møller, S., Balic-Žunic, T., Mumme, W.G., Vurro, F., Topa, D., Bindi, L., Bente, K., Shimizu, M. (2008) Sulfosalt systematics: a review. Report of the sulfosalt sub-committee of the IMA Commission on Ore Mineralogy. European Journal of Mineralogy, 20(1), 7-62.

Redhammer, G.J., Roth, G., Topa, D., Amthauer, G. (2008) Synthetic aenigmatite analog Na2(Mn5.26Na0.74)Ge6O20: structure and crystal chemical considerations.Acta Cryst. C64, i21–i26.

Dittrich, H., Bieniok, A., Brende,l U., Grodzicki, M., Topa D. (2007) Sulfosalts - A new class of compound semiconductors for photovoltaic application. Thin Solid Films, 515, 5745-5750.
Putz, H., Paar, W.H., Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Roberts, A.C. (2006) Catamarcaite, Cu6GeWS8, a new germanium-tungsten sulphide from Capillitas, Catamarca, Argentina: description, paragenesis and crystal structure. Can. Mineral., 44(6), 1481-1497.

Makovicky, E., Topa, D., Mumme, G.W. (2006) The crystal structure of dadsonite. Can. Mineral., 44(6), 1499-1512.

Graeser, S., Topa, D., Balić-Žunić, T., E. Makovicky, E. (2006) Gabrielite, Tl2AgCu2As3S7, a new species of thallium sulfosalt from Lengenbach, Switzerland. Can. Mineral., 44(1), 135-140.

Paar, W.H., Putz, H., Topa, D., Roberts, A.C., Culleto, F.J. (2006) Jonassonite, Au(Bi,Pb)5S4, a new mineral species from Nagyborzsony, Hungary. Can. Mineral., 44(5), 1127-1136.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Balić-Žunić, T. (2006) The crystal structures of jagueite, Cu2Pd3Se4, and chrisstanleyite, Ag2Pd3Se4. Can. Mineral., 44(2), 497-505.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E. (2006) The crystal structure of paděraite, Cu7(X0.33Pb1.33Bi11.33)Σ 13S22, with X = Cu or Ag; new data and interpretation.  Can. Mineral., 44(2), 481-495.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Putz, H., Mumme, G.W. (2006) The crystal structure of berryite, Cu3Ag2Pb3Bi7S16. Can. Mineral., 44(2), 465-480.

Topa, D., Paar, H.W., Balić-Žunić, T. (2006) Emilite, Cu10.72Pb10.72Bi21.28S48, the last missing link of the bismuthinite-aikinite series?. Can. Mineral., 44(2), 459-464.
Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Balić-Žunić, T. (2005) Mineralogical data on salzburgite and paarite, two new members of the bismuthinite-aikinite series. Can. Mineral., 43(3), 909-917.

Paar, W.H., Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Culleto, F.J. (2005) Milotaite, PdSbSe, a new palladium mineral, from Predborice, Czech Republic. Can. Mineral., 43(2), 689-694.

Paar, W.H., Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Sureda, R.J., Brodtkorb, M., Nickel, E., Putz, H. (2004) Jagueite, Cu2Pd3Se4, a new mineral species, from El Chire, La Rioja, Argentina. Can. Mineral., 42(6), 1745-1755.

Paar, W.H., Roberts, A.C., Berlepsch, P., Armbruster, T., Topa D., Zagler G. (2004) Putzite, (Cu4.7Ag3.3)8GeS6, a new mineral species from Capillitas, Catamarca, Argentina: description and crystal structure. Can. Mineral., 42(6), 1757-1769.

Shcheka, GG, Solianik, AN, Lehmann, B, Topa, D. (2004) Euhedral crystals of ferroan platinum, cooperite and mertieite-II from alluvial sediments of the Darya river, Aldan Shield, Russia. Min. Mag., 68(6),  871-885.
Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Balić-Žunić, T.(2003) Crystal structures and crystal  chemistry of the members of the cuprobismutite homologous series. Can. Mineral., 41(6), 1481-1501.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Balić-Žunić, T., Paar, W.H. (2003) Kupcikite, Cu3.6Fe0.4Bi5S10, a new Cu-Bi sulfosalt from Felbertal, Austria. Can. Mineral., 41,(5), 1155-1166.

Putz, H., Paar, W.H., Topa, D., Horner, J., Lüders V. (2003) Structurally controlled gold and sulfosalts mineralization: The  Altenberg example, Salzburg, Austria. Miner. Petrol., 78(1-2): 111-138.

Borodaev, Yu.S., Garavelli, A., Garbarino, C., Grillo, S.M., Mozgova, N.N., Paar, W.H., Topa D., Vurro, F. (2003) Rare sulfosalts from Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy. V. Selenian heyrovskyite. Can. Mineral., 41, 429-440.

Berlepsch, P., Armbruster, T., Makovicky, E., Topa, D. (2003) Another step towards understanding the true nature of sartorite:determinarion and refinement of a nine-fold superstructure. Amer. Min., 88, 450-461.
Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Balić-Žunić, T. (2002) The structural role of excess Cu and Pb in gladite and krupkaite based on new structure refinements. Can. Mineral., 40, 1147-1159.

Berlepsch, P., Armbruster, T., Topa, D. (2002) Structural and chemical variations of rathite, Pb8Pb4-x(Tl2As2)x(Ag2As2)As16S40: modulations of a parent structure. Z. Kristallorgr., 217, 1-10.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Paar, W.H. (2002)  Compositional ranges and exolution pairs for the members of the bismuthinite-aikinite series from Felbertal, Austria. Can. Mineral.,  40, 849-869.

Effenberger, H., Paar, W.H., Topa, D., Criddle, A.J. and Fleck, M. (2002): The new Mineral Baumstarkite and a Structural Reinvestigation of Aramayoite and Miargyrite. Amer. Min., 87, 753-764.

Balić-Žunić, T., Topa, D., Makovicky, E. (2002):  The crystal structure of  emilite Cu10.7Pb10.7Bi21.3S48, the second 45 Å derivative of the bismuthinite-aikinite solid solution series. Can. Mineral.,  40, 239-245.

Paar, W.H., Topa, D., Roberts, A.C., Criddle, A.J., Amann, G., Sureda, RJ. (2002) The new mineral Brodtkorbite, Cu2HgSe2, and the associated selenide assemblage from Tuminico, Sierra de Cacho, La Rioja, Argentina. Can. Mineral., 40, 225-237.

Roberts, A.C., Paar, W.H., Cooper, M.A., Topa, D., Criddle, A.J., Jedwab, J. (2002) Verbeekite, monoclinic PdSe2, a new mineral from the Musonoi Cu-Co-Mn-U mine, Kolwezi, Shaba Province, Congo. Mineral. Mag., 66/1, 173-179.
Berlepsch, P., Armbruster, T., Makovicky, E, Hejny, C., Topa, D., Graeser, S. (2001) The crystal structure of a  (001) twinned xilingolite, Pb3Bi2S6 from Mittal-Hohtenn, Valais, Switzerland. Can. Mineral. 39, 1653-1663.

Paar, W.H., Brodtkorb, M.K., Sureda, R.J., Topa, D. (2001) Mineralogy and chemistry of tin and lead sulfides and sulfosalts in the Pirquitas Mine vein deposit, Jujuy, Argentina (22 degrees 41'S-66 degrees 28'W). Revista Geologica de Chile, 28(2), 259-268.

Makovicky, E., Balić-Žunić, T., Topa, D. (2001) The crystal structure of neyite, Ag2Cu6Pb25Bi26S68. Can. Mineral., 39, 1365-1376.

Makovicky, E., Topa D., Balić-Žunić, T. (2001) The crystal structure of  paarite, the newly 56 Å derivative of the bismuthinite-aikinite solid solution series. Can. Mineral., 39, 1377-1382.

Topa D., Makovicky, E., Criddle, A.J., Paar, W.H., Balić-Žunić, T. (2001) Felbertalite, Cu2Pb6Bi8S19, a new mineral from the Felbertal scheelite deposit, Austria. Eur. J. Mineral., 13, 961-972.

Berlepsch, P., Miletich, R., Makovicky, E, Balić-Žunić, T., Topa, D.  (2001) The crystal structure of synthetic Rb2Sb8S12*(S2)*2H2O,a new member of the hutchinsonite family of merotypes. Z. Kristallogr., 216, 272-277.
Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Balić-Žunić, T., Berlepsch, P. (2000) The crystal structure of Cu2Pb6Bi8S19. Eur. J. Mineral., 12, 825-833.                                            

Topa, D., Balić-Žunić, T.,  Makovicky, E. (2000) The crystal structure of Cu1.6Pb1.6Bi6.4S12, a new 44.8 Å derivative of the bismuthinite-aikinite solid solution series. Can. Mineral., 38, 611-616.

Paar, W.H., Miletich, R., Topa, D.,  Criddle, A.J., Brodtkorb, M.K. de, Amthauer, G., Tippelt, G. (2000): Suredaite, PbSnS3, a new mineral species from the Pirquitas Ag-Sn deposit, NW-Argentina: mineralogy and crystal structure. Amer. Min., 85, 1066-1075.

Effenberger, H., Culetto, F.J., Topa, D., Paar, W.H. (2000) The crystal structure of synthetic buckhornite [Pb2BiS3][AuTe2]. Z. Kristallorgr., 215, 10-16.
Koroknai, B., Neubauer, F., Genser, J.H., Topa, D. (1999) Metamorphic and tectonic evolution of the Austroalpine units at the western margin of the Gurktal Nappe Complex, Eastern Alps. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 84, 277-295.

Effenberger, H., Paar, W.H., Topa D., Culetto, F.J., Giester, G. (1999) Toward the crystal structure of nagyagite [Pb(Pb,Sb)S2][(Au,Te)]. Amer. Min., 84, 669-676.

Paar, W.H., Roberts, A.C., Criddle, A.J., Topa, D. (1998) A new mineral, chrisstanleyite, Ag2Pd3Se4, from Hope`s Nose Torquay, Devon, England. Min. Mag., 62(2), 257-264.

Marschallinger, R., Topa, D. (1997) Assessment and correction of geometric distorsions in low-magnification scanning electron microscopy images. Scanning 19, 36-41.


Baziotis, I. B., Ferrière, L., Asimow, P. D., Topa, D., Brandstätter, F. (2016) P-rich olivines in the impact melt lithology of the Chelyabinsk meteorite (abstract #1437). 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.

Baziotis, I. B., Ferrière, L., Brandstätter, F., Topa D., Asimow, P. D. (2016) Shock metamorphism in ordinary chondrites: examples from Chelyabinsk (LL5) and Chantonnay (L6) meteorites (abstract #1440). 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. CD-ROM.

Ferrière, L., Brandstätter, F., Topa, D., Schulz, T., Baziotis, I. P., Münker, C. Koeberl, C. (2013) The complex history of Tissint inferred from different types of melt inclusions and isotopic systems (abstract #5194). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48(s1): A118.

Povinec, P. P., Laubenstein, M., Ferrière, L., Brandstätter, F., Sýkora, I., Kováčik, A., Jull, A. J. T., Topa,D., Koeberl, C. (2013) The Chelyabinsk meteoroid – What do we learn from the recovered meteorite fragments? (abstract #5196). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48(s1): A287.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E. (2006): The crystal structure of a new synthetic In-based phase, Sn12In19(S, Se)41, modular description and prediction of synthetic In-based families. 1st Central European Mineralogical Conference, September, 12-14, 2006, Vyšná Boca, Slovakia.

Paar, W.H., Putz, H., Topa, D., Sureda, R.J., Brodtkorb, M., Lüders, V. (2006) Breccias with high-grade Ag-Sn mineralization at Pirquitas, Argentina. O16-08, 19th IMA Meeting, Kobe, Japan, Abstracts, 193.

Robl, K., Paar, W.H., Topa, D.,  Putz, H., Sureda, R.J., Brodtkorb, M. (2006) Ore mineralogy of a high-grade epithermal  silver mineralization at El Quevar, Argentina. P16-01, 19th IMA Meeting, Kobe, Japan, Abstracts, 196.

Putz, H., Paar, W.H., Topa, D., (2006) Microparagenesis of germanium mineralization in polymetallic Deposits of Bolivia and Argentina. P16-02,19th IMA Meeting, Kobe, Japan, Abstracts, 196.

Iancu, O.G., Ionescu, C., Topa, D., (2005) Petrological and geochemical classification of the Sopot chondrite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science (September 2005), 40, Suppl. A71

Makovicky, E., Topa, D., Balic-Zunic, T., Dubost, V., Karup-Møller, S. (2005) On crystal chemistry of palladium and some new Pd chalogenides. 10th International Platinum Symposium – extended abstracts s. 462-463. Törmänen, T.O. & Alapieti, T.T. (eds). Espoo, Finland.

Grodzicki, M., Topa, D., Bieniok, A., Redhammer, G., Lottermoser, W., Amthauer, G. (2005) Geometric, electronic and magnetic structure of ludlamite. In: Supplement Issue of Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 22. München: Oldenburg Verlag, 24 . Abstractband zur Jahrestagung der DGK und DGKK an der Universität Köln, 28.2.-4.3.2005.

Grodzicki, M., Topa, D., Bieniok, A., Redhammer, G., Lottermoser, W., Paar, W., Amthauer, G. (2004) Electronic and magnetic structure of ludlamite: spectroscopic and theoretical investigations. 32nd IGC, Firenze, Abstracts, Part 1: 549.

Paar, W.H., Putz, H., Topa, D., Zambrana Mogro J. (2004) High grade silver-germanium mineralization at Porco, Department of Potosi, Bolivia. 32nd IGC, Firenze, Abstracts, Part 2: 1068.

Paar, W.H., Topa, D., Robl, K., Amann, G. (2004) Tellurides related to gold mineralization of Salzburg province, Austria. 32nd IGC, Firenze, Abstracts, Part 1: 272.

Paar, W.H., Brodtkorb, M., Topa, D., Sureda, R. (2004) Palladium, platinum, gold and silver in selenide districts of NW-Argentina. 32nd IGC, Firenze, Abstracts, Part 1: 277.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Paar, W.H. (2004): A closer look at the nature of modularity in the pavonite homologous series. 32nd IGC, Firenze, Abstracts, Part 1: 306.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Paar, W.H., Brodtkorb, M. (2004) The crystal structure of Angelaite, Cu2AgPbBiS4, a new mineral species from the Angela mine, Province of Chubut, Argentina. 32nd IGC, Firenze, Abstracts, Part 1: 217.

Pinto, D., Topa, D., Makovicky, E. (2014) Description of "Phase V" as a combination of modules from the pavonite and lillianite homologous series (in Italia 2004; 32nd international geological congress; abstracts, Anonymous,) International Geological Congress,(August 2004), 32, Part 1, 310.

Putz, H., Paar, W.H., Horner, J., Topa, D., (2003) Structurally controlled (Au-Ag) mineralization in the Altenberg-Silbereck area, Salzburg Province, AustriaPoster anläßlich des Symposiums "Rohstoffe im Dienste der Gesellschaft", Wien, ÖAW, 7.11.2003.

Neubauer, F., Handler, R., Friedl, G., Genser, J., Topa, D., (2003) Sandstone composition and 40Ar/39Ar single grains ages of detrital mica from the central Rhenodanubian Flysch Zone, Eastern Alps: preliminary results and significance for Alpine tectonics. TRANSALP Conference, Trieste, 10-12 Feb. 2003, 221-224.

Galina G. Shcheka, Alexander N. Solianik, Bernd Lehmann, Anna Bieniok, and Topa, D.(2003) Euhedral crystals of ferroan platinum, cooperite and palladian antimonide from the Darya Placer, Aldan Shield, Russia (in Geological Society of America, 2003 annual meeting, Anonymous,) Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America (November 2003), 35(6):230

Ionescu, C., Hock, V., Topa, D. (2003) Alteration processes on basalts from the Transylvanian Depression, Romania (deep well 6042-Deleni) (in 2nd international conference on Mineral sciences in the Carpathians, Anonymous,) Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica. Abstract Series (2003), 1, 47.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Paar, W.H., Balić-Žunić, T. (2002) The crystal structures of Cu2Pd3Se4 and Ag2Pd3Se4, chrisstanleyite. IMA Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, Abstracts Vol, 274.

Topa, D., Makovicky, E., Balić-Žunić, T., Paar, W.H. (2002) Chemistry and crystal structures of the members of the bismuthinite-aikinite series  from Felbertal, Austria. IMA Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, Abstracts Vol., p 264.

Ciobanu, C.L., Cook, N.J., Topa, D., Bogdanov,  K., Merkle, R.K.W. (2002) Compositional variance in the cuprobismutite series and related (Pb-bearing) padĕraite: insights from new occurrences. IMA Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, Abstracts Vol., p 264.

Garavelli, A., Borodaev, Yu.S., Mozgova, N.N., Paar, W.H., Topa, D.,Vurro, F. (2002): Ag-free Se-heyrovskyite, Pb6Bi2S9, from Vulcano Island, Italy. IMA Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, Abstracts Vol, 284.

Makovicky,  E., Balic-Zunic, T., Karanovic, L., Poleti, D. & Topa, D., (2002): Crystal structure of Tl6Ag2.2Cu6.8As9S21. Acta Cryst. (2002). A58 (Supplement), C336.

Makovicky, E., Balić-Žunić, T., Topa, D., (2001): The bismuthinite-aikinite series: A new portrait of an old series. 3rd EMU Workshop, Lübeck, Gremany, Abstracts volume: 27.




Batic Goran
Berger Anna
Collection manager
Brandstätter Franz
Associated scientist
Dionatos Odysseas
Associated Scientist
Ertl-Winand Andreas
Project researcher
Ferrière Ludovic
Associated scientist
Hammer Vera M. F.
Researcher, head of the mineral collection, head of the State Gem Institute
Kohn Victoria
Curator of the Gem Collection and Co-Curator of the Mineral Collection
Kolitsch Uwe
Head of the Department for Mineralogy & Petrography, Researcher and curator of the mineral and ore deposit collections
Mayr Nina
Assistance mineralogy
Patzer Andrea
Curator of the meteorite collection
Pittarello Lidia
Researcher and curator of the rock collection
Schalko Clemens
Collection assistant
Walter-Roszjár Julia
Researcher and co-curator of the meteorite collection, currently on maternity leave