Julia Walter-Roszjár
- Curator of the meteorite collection
- Research on meteorites
- Classification of
- Guided tours through the meteorite collection
- Public outreach

2010-2012: Research Associate in DFG priority program SPP 1385: The first 10 Million
Years of the Solar System - a Planetary Materials Approach, Sub-project: Early evolution of meteorite parent bodies - Hf-W
and U-Pb ages of zircons, baddeleyites, and phosphates, Funding: BI 344/9-1/2.
2015 - : SYNTHESYS Grant
SE-TAF-6116 “Extraterrestrial phosphates and their role as a sink for volatile elements and halogen fractionation processes
in early-formed Solar System materials”
- Systematic study on halogens and stable Cl isotopes in
meteoritic Ca-phosphates
- Microstructural analysis of accessory phases in meteorites
- Micrometeorites in urban
areas – case study NHM Vienna
2009 - 2012: Dr. rer. nat., Planetology WWU Münster, Germany
PhD Thesis: Genesis of igneous meteorites: Implications for the evolution of differentiated bodies in the Solar System
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. Bischoff, Prof. K. Mezger Ph.D.
2008: Summer school/ Misasa International Students Internship Program, Institute for the Study of the Earth`s Interior, Okayama University, Japan Project: An application of comprehensive geochemical analysis for carbonaceous-chondrite constituents
2007 - 2009: Master of Science, Geosciences (with honors), WWU Münster, Germany
Master thesis: Zirconium-bearing phases in meteorites
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. Bischoff, Prof. K. Mezger PhD
2003 - 2007: Bachelor of Science, Geosciences, WWU Münster, Germany
Bachelor thesis: Development of a Monazite standard for the use in Geochronology
Supervisor: Prof. K. Mezger PhD, Dr. J. Berndt-Gerdes
2003: University-entrance diploma, Heinrich-Hertz-Gymnasium Erfurt, Germany
- Since 2018: Co-curator of the meteorite collection NHM Vienna, Department for Mineralogy and Petrography
- Since 2014: Staff member NHM Vienna, Department for Mineralogy and Petrography
2012 - 2014: Postdoctoral research scientist, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Analytical Mineralogy of Micro- and Nanostructures, Germany
2010 - 2012: Research associate DFG Special Priority Program (SPP) 1385: The First 10 Million Years of the Solar System - a Planetary Materials Approach, sub-project (BI 344/9-1/2): Early evolution of meteorite parent bodies - Hf-W and U-Pb ages of zircons, baddeleyites, and phosphates
2007 - 2010: Research associate, Institut für Planetologie, WWU Münster, Germany
2007: Student assistant, Institut für Planetologie, WWU Münster, Germany
2006: Six weeks scientific program, GFZ (German Research Centre For Geosciences) Potsdam, Germany, Project: The stability of talc (experimental studies)
- 2005 - 2006: Student assistant, Office of Culture University of WWU Münster, Germany
2018: Selected scientific tutor at the FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency), ESA and the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) co-organized Summer School Alpbach, topic: Sample return from small solar system bodies, held July 17-26, 2018 in Tyrol, Austria
- 2015: SYNTHESYS grant SE-TAF-6116 “Extraterrestrial phosphates and their role as a sink for volatile elements and halogen fractionation processes in early-formed Solar System materials” at the Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM) Stockholm, Sweden
- 2015: Travel Grant, Invited contribution, Misasa V International Symposium “Comprehensive Exploration of the Solar System – Sample return and analyses”, held February 24-26, Institute for Study of the Earth’s Interior, Okayama University Misasa, Japan
- 2012: Travel Grant, Invited contribution, Misasa IV International Symposium “Solar System Exploration and new Geosciences – Perspective for the next decade”, held March 6-8, Institute for Study of the Earth’s Interior, Okayama University Misasa, Japan
- 2012: Best student paper award of the DFG (German Research Foundation) within the priority program (SPP) 1385: The First 10 Million Years of the Solar System - a Planetary Materials Approach
2009: Department award, Department of Geosciences WWU Münster, Germany, awarded prize for the best M.Sc. thesis in Geosciences
2008: Student Internship Stipend, 6-weeks ISEI (Insitute for the Study of the Earth`s Interior) International Students Internship Program, Okayama University, Misasa, Japan (Project: An application of comprehensive geochemical analysis for carbonaceous-chondrite constituents)
Roszjar J., Moser D. E., Hyde B. C., Chanmuang C., Tait K. T. (2017) Comparing chemical microstructures of some early Solar System zircon from differentiated asteroids, Mars and Earth, AGU Geophysical Monograph Series Microstructural Geochronology: Planetary Records Down to Atom Scale, Eds: D.E. Moser, F. Corfu, J.R. Darling, S.M. Reddy, K. Tait., Hoboken, NJ, US, vol. 232 (5), 113-135.
Peer reviewed journal articles
Saavedra M. E., Roszjar J., Humayun M., Tanaka R., Varela M. E. The Malotas(b) eucrite from Argentina – new insights from an old fall. In preparation for submission to Meteoritics and Planetary Science.
Roszjar J., John T., Whitehouse M. J., Layne G. D., Sarafian A. R., Bischoff A. Probing the inventory of halogens in the inner Solar System. In preparation for submission to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
Rombeck S., Vollmer C., Roszjar J., Sarafian A. R., Klemme S. (2021) How do secondary iron enrichments form within basaltic eucrites? An experimental approach. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 56:911-928, DOI: 10.1111/maps.13651.
Pittarello L., Fritz J., Roszjar J., Lenz C., Chanmuang N. C., Koeberl C. (2020) Partial amorphization of experimentally shocked plagioclase: A spectroscopic study. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 55:669-678, DOI: 10.1111/maps.13445.
Vollmer C., Rombeck S., Roszjar J., Sarafian A. R., Klemme S. (2020) The brecciated texture of polymict eucrites: petrographic investigations of unequilibrated meteorites from the Antarctic Yamato collection. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 55:558-574.
Moser D. E., Arcuri G. A., Reinhard D. A., White L. F., Darling J. R., Barker I. R., Larson D. J., Irving A. J., McCubbin F. M., Tait K. T., Roszjar J., Wittmann A., Davis C. (2019) Decline of giant impacts on Mars by 4.48 billion years ago and an early opportunity for habitability. Nature Geoscience 12:522-527.
Pittarello L., Yamaguchi A., Roszjar J., Debaille, V., Koeberl C., Claeys P. (2019) To be or not to be oxidized: a case study of olivine behavior in the fusion crust of ureilite A 09368 and H chondrites A 09004 and A 09502. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54:1563-1578.
Roszjar J., Whitehouse M. J., Terada, K., Fukuda, K., John T., Bischoff A., Morishita, Y., Hiyagon, H. (2019) Chemical, microstructural and chronological record of phosphates in the Ksar Ghilane 002 enriched shergottite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 245:385-405.
Bellucci J. J., Nemchin A. A., Whitehouse M. J., Snape J. F., Bland P., Benedix G. K., Roszjar J. (2018) Pb evolution in the Martian mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 485:79-87.
Ward D., Bischoff, A., Roszjar J., Berndt J., Whitehouse, M. J. (2017) Trace element inventory of meteoritic Ca-phosphates. American Mineralogist 102:1856-1880.
Sarafian A. R., John T., Roszjar J., Whitehouse M. J. (2017) Chlorine and hydrogen degassing in Vesta's magma ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 459:311-319.
Roszjar J., Whitehouse M. J., Srinivasan G., Mezger K., Scherer E. E., Van Orman J. A., Bischoff A. (2016) Prolonged magmatism on 4 Vesta inferred from Hf-W analyses of eucrite zircon. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 452:216-226.
Pittarello L., Roszjar J., Mader D., Debaille V., Claeys P., Koeberl C. (2015) Cathodoluminescence as a tool to discriminate impact melt, shocked and unshocked volcanics: A case study of samples from the El’gygytgyn impact structure. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 50:1954-1969.
Roszjar J., Whitehouse M. J., Bischoff A. (2014) Meteoritic zircon – Occurrence and chemical characteristics. Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry 74:453-469.
Llorca J., Roszjar J., Cartwright J. A., Bischoff A., Ott U., Pack A., Merchel S., Rugel G., Femiani L., Ludwig P., Casado J. V., Allepuz D. (2013) The Ksar Ghilane 002 shergottite – The 100th registered Martian meteorite fragment. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48:493-513.
Roszjar J., Metzler K., Bischoff A., Barrat J.-A., Geisler T., Greenwood R. C., Franchi I. A., Klemme S. (2011) Thermal history of Northwest Africa (NWA) 5073 - a coarse-grained Stannern-trend eucrite containing cm-sized pyroxenes and large zircon grains. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 46:1754-1773.
Bischoff A., Vogel N., Roszjar J. (2011) The Rumuruti chondrite group – Invited review, Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry 71:101-133.
Wurm G., Teiser J., Bischoff A., Haack H., Roszjar J. (2010) Experiments on the Photophoretic Motion of Chondrules and Dust Aggregates – Indications for the Transport of Matter in Protoplanetary Disks. Icarus 208:482-491.
Llorca J., Casanova I., Trigo-Rodriguez, J.M. Madiedo J. M., Roszjar J., Bischoff A., Ott U., Franchi I., Greenwood R., Laubenstein M. (2009) The Puerto Lápice eucrite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 44:159-174.
Invited Contributions
Roszjar J., John T., Whitehouse M. J. (2015) Halogens from the early Solar System – Insights from meteoritic phosphates, MISASA V International Symposium, Comprehensive Exploration of the Solar System – Sample return and analysis, Abstract Volume, Misasa, Japan, held 06-08 March 2015.
Roszjar J., Whitehouse M. J., Bischoff A. (2015) Meteoritic zircon- rare and tiny, but of high relevance, MISASA V International Symposium, Comprehensive Exploration of the Solar System – Sample return and analysis, Abstract Volume, Misasa, Japan, held 06-08 March 2015.
Ferrière L., Brandstätter F., Roszjar J. (2015) Big Bang at the NHM Vienna meteorite collection, MISASA V International Symposium, Comprehensive Exploration of the Solar System – Sample return and analysis, Abstract Volume, Misasa, Japan, held 06-08 March 2015.
Roszjar J., Bischoff A., Mezger K. (2012) New crystallization ages and a complex thermal history of the eucrite parent body inferred from eucrite zircon, MISASA IV International Symposium, Solar System Exploration and New Geosciences – Perspective of the next decade, Abstract Volume, Misasa, Japan, held 24-26 February 2012.
Conference abstracts
Pittarello L., Daly L., Roszjar J., Fritz J., Ferrière L., Lenz C., Chanmuang N., C., Lee M.R., Koeberl C. (2019) A common rock-forming mineral under shock: A study of plagioclase amorphization in nature and experiments, GSA Annual Meeting, 22-25 September, Phoenix, AZ, US, #338270.
Roszjar J., Ferrière F., Koeberl C. (2019) Asteroid Day: Communicating the danger from impacts on Earth and the relevance of meteorites and their parent bodies. Proceedings GeoMünster conference, 22-25 September, Münster, Germany, #328.
Pittarello L., Roszjar J., Daly L., Lenz C., Chanmuang N., C., Ferrière L., Fritz J., Chung P., Pickersgill A.E., Lee M.R., Koeberl C. (2019) The incomplete amorphization of natural and experimentally shocked plagioclase investigated by optical and electron microscopy, and various spectroscopic techniques. Proceedings GeoMünster conference, 22-25 September, Münster, Germany, #371.
Roszjar J. (2019) Secondary alteration of the Serra Pelada eucrite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54, S2, #6311.
Pittarello L., Fritz J., Roszjar J., Lenz C., Chanmuang N. C., Koeberl C. (2019) Comparison of different spectroscopic techniques in investigating shocked plagioclase. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54, S2, #6277.
Saavedra M. E., Roszjar J., Humayun M., Tanaka R., Varela M. E., Lira R. (2019) Malotas: A new view of an old fall from Argentina. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54, S2, #6168.
Pittarello L., Goderis S., Soens B., McKibbin S.J., Bariselli F., Barros Dias B.R., Helber B., Giuli G., Lepore G.O., Yamaguchi A., Roszjar J., Debaille V., Koeberl C., Magin T., Claeys P. (2019) Fusion crust and atmospheric entry of ordinary chondrites, a comparison between experiments and nature. XV Congresso Nationale di Scienze Planetarie, held 4-8 February, Florence, Italy.
Roszjar J., Rombeck S., Vollmer C., Klemme S., Sarafian A. R. (2018) Nature of five polymict eucrites from the Antarctic Yamato dense collecting area. Joint 41st Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites (part of the 9th Symposium on Polar Science) and Hayabusa II 2018 (6th Symposium of Solar System Materials), held 4-7 December 2018, JAXA, Japan.
Pittarello L., Goderis S., Soens B., McKibbin S. J., Bariselli F., Barros Dias B. R., Helber B., Giuli G., Lepore G. O., Yamaguchi A., Roszjar J., Debaille V., Köberl C., Magin T., Claeys P. (2018) Fusion crust in ordinary chondrites: a study from nature to the experiments. Joint 41st Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites (part of the 9th Symposium on Polar Science) and Hayabusa II 2018 (6th Symposium of Solar System Materials), held 4-7 December 2018, JAXA, Japan.
Saavedra M. E., Roszjar J., Varela M. E. (2018) Clasificación petrográfica de la eucrite basáltica “Malotas B”. XV Chilean Geological Congress, Concepcion, Chile.
Roszjar J., Whitehouse M. J., Terada, K., Fukuda K., John T., Bischoff A., Morishita Y., Hiyagon H. (2018) The dynamic history of Mars – adding another puzzle piece from the analysis of Ca-phosphates in martian meteorites. PANGEO conference, Vienna, Austria, #26473.
Rombeck S., Vollmer C., Sarafian A., Roszjar J., Klemme S. (2017) An experimental study on alteration in eucrites and the petrology of Vesta`s crust Paneth Kolloquium, Nördlingen, Germany, #0099.
Roszjar J., Moser D. E., Hyde B. C., Chanmuang C., Tait K. T. (2017) A comparison of microstructures among some of the earliest-formed zircons. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 52, #6217.
Ward D., Bischoff A., Roszjar J., Berndt J., Whitehouse M. J. (2017) U and Th abundances and REE mass balance of extraterrestrial Ca-Phosphates. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 52, #6194.
Roszjar J., Moser D. E., Hyde B. C., Chanmuang C., Tait K., Nasdala L. (2016) Comparison of chemical zoning of eucrite and Martian micro-zircon. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51, #6184.
Ward D., Bischoff A., Roszjar J., Whitehouse M. J. (2016) Trace element inventory of meteoritic Ca-phosphates. Lunar Planet. Sci. XLVII, #1456, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Ward D., Bischoff A., Roszjar J., Berndt J., Whitehouse M. J. (2016) Trace element abundances in extraterrestrial apatite and merrillite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51, #6306.
Ward D., Bischoff A., Roszjar J., Whitehouse M. J. (2015) REE content of Ca-phosphates. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 50, #5056.
Ward D., Bischoff A., Roszjar J., Whitehouse M. J. (2015) REE signatures of meteoritic Ca-phosphates. Paneth Kolloquium, Nördlingen, Germany, #0049.
Roszjar J., John T., Kusebauch C., Whitehouse M. J. (2015) Applying phosphate halogen compositions to trace magmatic or metamorphic fluids in inner Solar System materials. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 17: EGU2015-14888.
Ward D., Roszjar J., Bischoff A. (2014) Distribution and composition of accessory Ca-phosphates in meteorites. 5th DFG Special Priority Program 1385 meeting, 02-03 December, Heidelberg, Germany.
Ward D., Roszjar J., Bischoff A., Leschner L. (2014) Accessory Ca-phosphates in meteorites – distribution and composition. 92nd Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society, 21-24 September, Jena, Germany, DMG-Meetings abstract volume, MET-P01.
Roszjar J., Whitehouse M. J., Bischoff A. (2014) Rare earth element signatures of meteoritic zircon. 92nd Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society, 21-24 September, Jena, Germany, DMG-Meetings abstract volume, MET-T02.
Roszjar J., John T., Whitehouse M. J., Bischoff A., Terada K. (2014) The halogen signature of young phosphates in the Ksar Ghilane 002 Martian rock. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 49, A348.
Ward D., Roszjar J., Bischoff A., John T., Whitehouse M. J., Mezger K. (2013) Accessory Ca-phosphates: major hosts for halogens and REE in meteorites, Joint meeting Paneth Kolloquium and DFG SPP 1385 “The first 10 million years of the Solar System”, 21-23 October, Nördlingen, Germany, #71.
Roszjar J., Whitehouse M. J., Mezger K., Bischoff A., Srinivasan G. (2013) Hf-W ages and REE systematics of eucrite zircon, Joint meeting Paneth Kolloquium and DFG SPP 1385 “The first 10 million years of the Solar System”, 21-23 October, Nördlingen, Germany, #69.
Roszjar J., John T., Whitehouse M. J., Bischoff A., Layne G. D. (2013) Halogens in the Early Solar System Inferred from Meteoritic Phosphates. Mineralogical Magazine 77 (5):2086.
Roszjar J., Whitehouse M. J., Srinivasan G., Mezger K., Bischoff A. (2012) Evidence for prolonged magmatism on Vesta inferred from eucrite zircon grains. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 47:A332.
Cartwright J. A., Ott U., Roszjar J., Barrat J. A., Bischoff A. (2012). Noble Gases and CRE ages of eucrites NWA 5073, NWA 2550 and HaH 286. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 47:A95.
Roszjar J., Srinivasan G., Whitehouse M. J., Bischoff A., Mezger K. (2012a) Hf-W analyses of eucrite zircon: New crystallization timescales for the eucrite parent body. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA, held March 23-27, 2009, #1774.
Roszjar J., Bischoff A., Llorca J., Pack A. (2012b) Ksar Ghilane 002 (KG002) – A new shergottite: Discovery, Mineralogy, Chemistry and Oxygen Isotopes. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA, held March 19-23, 2012, #1780.
Roszjar J., Bischoff A., Mezger K., Scherer E. E., Whitehouse M. J., Srinivasan G., Geisler T. (2011) Constraints on the early evolution of meteorite parent bodies by the analyses of zircon, baddeleyite, and phosphate grains. 2nd DFG Special Priority Program 1385 meeting, 17-19 October, Mainz, Germany.
Roszjar J., Scherer E. E., Mezger K., Bischoff A. (2011) Solar System initial 176Hf/177Hf inferred from the eucrite Northwest Africa 5073. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 46, A200.
Leschner L., Roszjar J., John T., Bischoff A. (2011) Phosphates in Ordinary Chondrite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 46, A137.
Roszjar J., John T., Whitehouse M. J., Layne G. D., Bischoff A. (2011) Halogen composition of the early Solar System inferred from meteoritic apatites. Mineralogical Magazine 75 (3):1759.
Roszjar J., Bischoff A., Mezger K., Srinivasan G., Whitehouse M. J., Scherer E. E., Geisler T. (2010) Early evolution of meteorite parent bodies: Chemical and isotopic constraints on meteoritic zircon, baddeleyite, and phosphate grains. Paneth Kolloquium, 27-31 October, Nördlingen, Germany.
Roszjar J., Bischoff A., Scherer E. E., Metzler K. (2010) Northwest Africa (NWA) 5073: The coarsest-grained eucrite and its complex postcrystallization history. 88th Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society, 19-22 September, Münster, Germany, DMG-Meetings abstracts, p. 75.
Roszjar J., Scherer E. E. (2010) Lu-Hf systematics of the NWA 5073 eucrite reflect a complex thermal history. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 45, A175.
Roszjar J., Geisler T., Bischoff A. (2010) Constraints on the thermal evolution of meteorites applying Raman spectroscopic and electron microprobe analyses on zircon grains. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 45:A174.
Roszjar J., Metzler K., Bischoff A., Greenwood R. C., Franchi I. A. (2009a) Northwest Africa (NWA) 5073 - An eucritic basalt with cm-sized pyroxenes. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 44, 5203.
Roszjar J., Geisler T., Scherer E. E., Bischoff A. (2009b) The thermal history of zircon from the NWA 5073 eucrite as revealed by Raman spectroscopy. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 44, 5202.
Vogel N., Baur H., Bischoff A., Leya I., Roszjar J., Wieler R. (2009) 81Kr-Kr dating to detect pre-irradiation effects in CAIs: Feasibility and first results. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 44:A212.
Roszjar J., Srinivasan G., Bischoff A., Mezger K., Whitehouse M. J. (2009) Hf-W ages of zircons - new constraints on the evolution of the eucrite parent body. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 23-27 March, Houston, USA, #1655.
Wurm G., Haack H., Teiser J., Bischoff A., Roszjar J. (2008) Chondrules, CAIs and Dust in Protoplanetary Disks in the Framework of Photophoretic Forces. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 43, A169.
Teiser J., Wurm G., Haack H., Bischoff A., Roszjar J. (2008) Chondrules and Photophoresis - Old Friends Meet Again. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 43, A152.
Roszjar J., Bischoff A., Scherer E. E., Mezger K. (2008) Zirconium-bearing phases in meteorites, Paneth Kolloquium, 30-31 October, Nördlingen, Germany, #49.
Non-scientific publications
Walter-Roszjar, J. und Ferrière L. (2019) Kohlige Chondrite im Fokus – dunkle Gesteine aus dem All und was wir von ihnen lernen können. Universum, ORF Magazin, vol. 6, Juni 2019, S. 112-113.
Walter-Roszjar, J. (2018) Es regnet Trümmerteile aus der Frühzeit unseres Sonnensystems. Universum, ORF Magazin, vol. 6, Juni 2018, S. 101.
Walter-Roszjar, J. (2014) Klein, aber oho: Auf der Spur kleinster Minerale in Meteoriten. Universum, ORF Magazin, vol. 6, Juni 2014.
- Chronology and mineralogical evolution in the early Solar System
- Genesis and evolution of differentiated meteorites
- Geology of planetary bodies
- Accessory phases in undifferentiated and differentiated meteorite types
- New meteorite discoveries
- In-situ analytical techniques (SEM, EPMA, La-ICP-MS, SIMS, Raman)
Professional Affiliations
- Member of the European Association of Geochemistry (EGA) (since 2013)
- Member of the Meteoritical Society (since 2009)
Refereeing work
- Meteoritics and Planetary Science
- Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
- Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry
Contribution lecture
- Introduction to meteoritics and astromineralogy (M.Sc. seminar, bilingual), co-lecturers: DDr. T. Posch, Dr. O. Dionatos, WiSe 2014/2015, Department of Astrophysics, University of Vienna
- Solids in space: dust, disks, meteorites and the early solar system (M.Sc. lecture), co-lecturers: DDr. T. Posch, Dr. O. Dionatos, Prof. Dr. J. Hron, Dr. W. Nowotny, S. Wallner, WiSe 2016/2017, Department of Astrophysics, University of Vienna
Since 2020 Safety officer NHM
2015-2019 Works Council NHM Vienna
Since 2015 First aider NHM Vienna