Paul Klostermann

PhD student
Phone: 01/52177-239
2022 – current, University of Vienna
PhD student at Doctoral School of Evolution and Ecology, Faculty of Life Sciences
Funding by ERC Synergy project HistoGenes

2019-2021 University of Durham
MSc (Hons.) Human Bioarchaeology and Palaeopathology

2017-2019 University of Vienna
Courses in BSc programme Biology. Major in Physical Anthropology and MA programme Prehistoric Archaeology and Historical Archaeology

2013-2017 University of Vienna
BA Prehistory and Historical Archaeology
Research Experience
Technical and research assistant for HistoGenes project at NHM Vienna 
Osteological analysis on skeletal collection from Early Medieval Austria
Anthropologist at Inst. for Medieval Research, Austrian Acad. of Sciences
Osteological analysis on Early Medieval remains from Vienna
Activity reconstruction of Archer burials

Commercial Archaeology
01-03/2023 Freelance Anthropologist
Osteological analysis of section of Early Medieval Avar Cemetery in Achau, Austria,
04-09/2021 Anthropologist and field archaeologist at Novetus GmbH
Archaeological excavations (Historical to Neolithic Period)
Osteological analysis of human remains from Early Medieval Period.
Exhumation and Documentation of Friars crypt at Rochuskirche, Vienna

06/2019 Freelance Anthropologist for PannArch assoc.
excavation, documentation and analysis of Bronze Age burial from Müllendorf, Austria
2017 Freelance anthropologist for Stadtarchäologie Wien
Osteological Analysis of commingled remains from Stephansplatz Vienna, High Medieval Period
Osteological Analysis of soldier burials from Napoleonic battlefield north of Vienna.
2017, 2018 Field archaeologist for Archnet GmbH

Research articles
Binder, M., Doneus, M., Klostermann, P., Özyurt, J., Strang, S., Tobias, B., Zagajsek, K., (2023), Das Gräberfeld von Obereggendorf (NÖ) – Erste interdisziplinäre Einblicke in eines der größten awarenzeitlichen Gräberfelder Ostösterreichs, Beiträge zur Mittelalterarchäologie in Österreich 39/2023.
Olga Spekker, Orsolya Anna Váradi, András Szekeres, Heidi Yoko Jäger, Albert Zink, Margit Berner, Doris Pany-Kucera, Liesa Strondl, Paul Klostermann, Levente Samu, Kitty Király, Zsolt Bereczki, Erika Molnár, György Pálfi, Balázs Tihanyi, (2022), A rare case of calvarial tuberculosis from the Avar Age (8th century CE) cemetery of Kaba–Bitózug (Hajdú-Bihar county, Hungary) – Pathogenesis and differential diagnostic aspects, Tuberculosis, Volume 135, 2022.
Lazaridis I., Alpaslan-Roodenberg, S., Acar, A. …Klostermann, P.,… Rohland, N., Pinhasi. R., Reich, D., (2022), The genetic history of the Southern Arc: a bridge between West Asia and Europe, Science.
Lazaridis I., Alpaslan-Roodenberg, S., Acar, A. …Klostermann, P.,… Rohland, N., Pinhasi. R., Reich, D., (2022), A genetic probe into the ancient and medieval history of Southern Europe and West Asia, Science.
Lazaridis I., Alpaslan-Roodenberg, S., Acar, A. …Klostermann, P.,… Rohland, N., Pinhasi. R., Reich, D., (2022), Ancient DNA from Mesopotamia suggests distinct Pre-Pottery and Pottery Neolithic migrations into Anatolia, Science.
Berner, M., Eggers, S., Klostermann, P., Koger, R., Sauer, W., (2022), Ovambo human remains in the Natural History Museum Vienna - Viktor Lebzelter’s anthropological collection from Southern Africa, in: Annalen des NHM Wien, Serie A 123, p. 5-32.
Paraman, L., Ugarković, M., Scheifinger, J., Rembart, L., Oberndorfer, D., Visković, E., Schintlmeister, L., Klostermann, P., Binder, M., Steskal, M. (2019). Report on New Excavations in Ancient Trogir. The 2018 Croatian–Austrian Mission. Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes, 88, 387-459.

Conference Papers
Özyurt Jasmin, Strang, Sheridan, Klostermann, Paul, Jana Pfneiszl, Tobias, Bendeguz, Horvath, Jeanette, Binder, Michaela, (2023), Nicht schon wieder ein awarenzeitliches Gräberfeld!, Neue Erkenntnisse anhand interdisziplinärer Erforschung des neu entdeckten Gräberfeldes von Achau., in: Nowotny (ed.) Beiträge zum Tag der Niederösterreichischen Landesarchäologie 2019. Landessammlungen Niederösterreich, 2019.

Heiß, K., Klostermann, P., Niaghi, D., Portschy, J., and Reicher, L., (2018) Conference Reports. Genes, Isotopes, and Artefacts: How should we interpret the movements of people throughout Bronze Age Europe? 13–14 December 2018, Vienna. The European Archaeologist 59: 33-34.
Conference Presentations
Klostermann, P., Berner, M., Pany-Kucera, D. Wilschke-Schrotta, K., Eggers, S. (2022) Adolescence in Early Medieval Central Europe, 14th Annual SSCIP Meeting, Madrid (poster).

Klostermann, P., Pany-Kucera, D., Berner, M., Kirchengast, S., Tobias, B., (2022), Indicators of Physical Activity in Early Medieval Individuals Buried with Archery Artifacts from Vienna, Austria, PPA Vilnius 2022, (short presentation).
Tobias, B., Berner, M., Pany-Kucera, D., Eggers, S., Klostermann, P., Koger, R., Hofmanova, Z., Wang, K., Daim, F., Pohl, W. (2022), How archaeology and anthropology can build on aDNA analyses of entire cemeteries, EAA Budapest. (presentation)
Pany-Kucera, D., Klostermann, P., Özyurt, J. Berner, M. (2022), Bury me where my arrow falls. New considerations on Early Medieval burials with composite bows excavated in modern-day, Vienna, Austria. EAA Budapest. (presentation)
Klostermann, P., (2020), Chew On This: Correlation of coca use and Chagas disease, Durham student poster conference. (poster)
Szameit, E., Portschy, J., Klostermann, P., (2019), (Univ. Vienna): Eine frühmittelalterliche Nekropole in Iffelsdorf an der Naab (Stadt Pfreimd/Oberpfalz, Bayer), Prague. (presentation)

Binder, M., Klostermann, P., Paraman, L., Ugarković, M., Steskal, M., (2018) Non-adults burials from a Byzantine period cemetery in Trogir, Croatia, Poster presentation, 22nd Paleopathology Association Meeting, Zagreb. (poster)

Osteological Reports
Klostermann, P., (2021) Osteologische Untersuchung der menschlichen Überreste aus der Gruftöffnung Rochuskirche 2021.

Klostermann, P., and Strang, S., (2021) Osteologische Untersuchung der menschlichen Skelettreste aus der Grabung Obereggendorf 2021.

Klostermann, P., and Binder, M., (2017), Anthropologische Auswertung der menschlichen Skelettreste aus dem napoleonischen Schlachtfeld, Seestadt Aspern, Cluster Ost II, Obj. 1, In: Martin Penz (2017) Bericht zur archäologischen Maßnahme Wien 22, Seestadt Aspern 2017 – Cluster Ost II.

Neron, France
Middle Tennessee University, DPAA
repatriation, Crash site, US-American bomber, WWII
Novetus GmbH
Various sites in Eastern Austria
Bronze Age, Roman, Medieval

Oxford Archaeology
Trinity burial ground, Kingston upon Hull, UK
Cemetery, Industrial

Tutor Iffelsdorf, mun. Pfreimd, Bavaria, Germany
University of Bamberg, University of Vienna
Early medieval age, cemetery
INRAP Saint-Dizier, France
Late Antiquity – Early Medieval cemetery
Oberpetersdorf, Austria,
University of Maryland, Universität Wien, DPAA
repatriation, Crash site, US-American bomber, WWII
Iffelsdorf, mun. Pfreimd, Bavaria, Germany
Early medieval age, cemeteryUniversity of Bamberg
Schwarzach b. Nabburg, Bavaria, Germany
University of Vienna tutor
Early medieval age, Slavic settlement
Alte Post, Vienna, Austria
Urban archaeology. Roman – Modern
Hainburg, Sonderschule, Austria
Modern, Old estate with burials

Hainburg, Volksschule, Austria
Medieval /Modern churchyard

Engelhartstetten, Austria
Medieval /Modern

Trautmannsdorf, Austria
Renaissance fortification, Modern
Bruck a. d. Leitha, Austria
Church and churchyard. Medieval /Modern
Lenzing, Attersee, Austria
Neolithic, Copper Age
Field school

Unterloisdorf, Austria
Neolithic, Copper Age

Schloßberg, Linz, Austria
Latène Age, Roman Period
Field school

Insternships & Volunteering
Volunteer Archaeologist in recovery excavation of WWII service men for DPAA through Middle Tennessee University, France
Intern Archaeologist in recovery excavation of WWII service men for DPAA through University of Vienna in cooperation with University of Maryland, Austria
Internship at Anthropology Department, NHM Vienna
Osteological analysis on Ovambo human remains from Namibia
Assess taphonomy of remains to assist provenance research of colonial context.
Internship at Bioarchaeology Lab, Austrian Archaeological Institute
Osteological analysis of nonadult remains from Middle Byzantine Trogir, Croatia
Osteological analysis of Late Antique remains from Globasnitz, Austria
Internship Anatomical-pathological collection, Narrenturm, NHM Vienna


Berner Margit
staff scientist, curator
Eggers Sabine
staff scientist, curator of the international osteological collection
Ganglberger Lara
employee science communication PaSiN
Hofmann Gerhard
Koger Robin
associate scientist
Krauss Florentin
science communication PaSiN
Kreindl Katharina
employee science communication PaSiN
Lick Laura
freelancer science communication
Luftensteiner Katharina
project researcher "HistoGenes"
Marschler Maria
Co-Principal Investigator in the Project LDDL, Synthesys+ Administrator
Nazemi Karen
science communication PaSiN
Novotny Friederike
project researcher
Pany-Kucera Doris
staff scientist, co-curator and scientist in the ERC Synergy Grant HistoGenes (OEAW)
Patzak Anatole
PaSiN / Kassa
Roiban Bianca-Seridan
Supervision PASiN
Sawa Martina
Guard PaSiN
Spannagl-Steiner Ute Michaela
scientific assistant Austrian Academy of Science
Stadlmayr Andrea
collection management, outreach coordinator, staff scientist (Co-PI) LDDL
Steinkellner Judith
Cash desk & administration PaSiN
Strondl Liesa
associate scientist
Voglsinger Bettina
administrative assistant/library
Walch August
Wiltschke-Schrotta Karin
Head of department
Winter Eduard
custodian PaSiN