Dr. Sabine Eggers
- Research
- Curator of the international osteological collection
- Co-curator of permanent exhibition
- Participant at organization of outreach projects
- Participant at the organization of exhibitions
- Library

Research about the following
2020-2026: "HistoGenes Integrating Genetic, Archaeological & Historical Perspectives on Eastern Central
Europe" (ERC Synergy Grant HistoGenes 856453). Here I am mainly responsible, in collaboration with the anthropology team-NHM,
for the evaluation and interpretation of the skeletal series stored at NHMW and their genetic studies. I also supervise MSc
and PhD students on the HistoGenes project at the University of Vienna.
2021-2024: „Kolonial Kontexts“
(BMKOES funded). Debates about the colonial acquisitional context and the restitution of objects from ethnographic as well
as anthropological collections have recently not only led to increased research, but have also reached the public. However,
questions on colonial acquisition contexts also concern natural history collections and museums, where there is still a great
need for research. I took over the leadership of the first year of the KolText project, as the focus was on human remains.
Since 2022, DDr Marin Krenn (Archive for the History of Science) has been leading the KolText project. I also supervise MSc
and PhD students at the University of Vienna within the KolText project.
- Bioanthropology and social complexity of prehistoric coastal populations of South America
- Paleopathology
- Paleonutrition
- Paleogenetics of treponemes
- Quality-of-Life in ancient and extant populations
- Evolution of the polycystic ovary syndrome
- Psychosocial aspects of genetic counselling
- Historic demography in a German isolate in Brazil
Since 2017: staff scientist and curator of the international osteological collection- NHM
1998-2016: Bioanthropology Lab head and professor at the Bioscience Institute of University of Sao Paulo, Brazil -
- Bioarcheology
- Paleopathology
- Paleoethnobotany, stable Isotopes, Genetics
- Presentation of results in about 80 scientific meetings worldwide
- Organization of about 15 symposia, seminars and workshops
- Scientific collaboration with researchers of about 20 institutions in Austria, England, Germany, Portugal, Italy, USA, Canada, Peru and Brazil
Ad hoc Referee for the peer-reviewed journals:
- Journal of Archaeological Sciences
- Homo
- Human Reproduction
- Lancet
- Current Anthropology
- Latin American Antiquity
- International Journal of Paleopathology
- International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
- Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia USP
Membership (present and past):
- International Council of Museums
- Paleopathology Association
- International Union of Protohistoric and Prehistoric Sciences
- Alaska Anthropological Association
- American Anthropological Association
- American Society for Archaeology
- American Association for Physical Anthropology
- Sociedade de Arqueologia Brasileira
- Sociedade Brasileira de Genética
- University-extern funding for 9 projects (Wenner-Grenn Foundation, Heinz Family Foundation, Österreichische Nationalbank AG, Fulbright, Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-FAPESP)
- Scholarships for 23 post-grad students and more than 10 other minor projects (FAPESP, Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa, USP)
- Supervision of 11 MSc and 4 PhD, 3 post-docs and 19 graduation works
- Evaluation committee member at 22 MSC and 14 PhD thesis and 90 other types of scientific projects
- Co-responsible for the selection of post-graduate students at the Biosciences Institute USP, Brazil, biannually (2000-2016)
- Courses on Human Evolution (Faculty of Psychology), Human Biology und Medical Genetics (Faculties of Medicine, Nutrition and Nursing) – annually (1998-2016)
- Post-grad course on Biocultural Variation of H sapiens – (1998-2016)
Curatorial activities
- Excavation, curation, supervision and administration of prehistoric osteological collections from Brazil
- Supervision of students at excavations in Lagoa Santa (Brazil), Austria and Peru
- Databank containing bioarcheological data on about 4000 individuals of 40 archaeological sites located in South America (including Paracas & Caral)
MSc, PhD, Post-Doc
- 04/1996 - 11/98 Post-Doc in Paleopathology (USP, Brazil)
- 02/1992 - 03/1996 PhD on psychosocial and ethical issues in genetic counselling of muscular dystrophies (USP, Brazil)
- 03/1984 - 10/1989: Human Biology and MSC in historical demography of a German isolate in Brazil (University of Vienna)
- 03/1981 - 12/1982 University of Sao Paulo (Brazil): Biology
Basic education and extracurricular courses and activities
- 04/1997 Second European Forensic Anthropology Course (Ch. Roberts, University of Durham)
- 01/1990 - 12/1991 Internship, Genetic Counselling and psychosocial work with patients affected with muscular dystrophies (M. Zatz, USP, Brazilian Muscular Dystrophy Association)
- 02/1985 - 10/1987 Osteology (M. Teschler-Nicola, NHM Wien) and epistemology (R. Riedl, Univ. Vienna)
- 07/1981 - 12/1983 Chronobiology (J. Cipolla, USP) and Immunocytochemistry (G. Horn, Univ. Cambridge)
- 03/1968 - 12/1979 Bilingual Waldorf school in Sao Paulo, Brazil
German, Portuguese, English, Spanish, (French)
German-Portuguese interpreter (1992-1996)
Publikationsliste in peer-reviewed Journals
Ferraz, T., Suarez Villagran, X., Nägele, K…., Eggers, S….et al. Genomic history of coastal societies from eastern South America. Nat Ecol Evol (2023).
Schattke C, Olivares F, Molina H, Menendey L, Eggers S (2023): Osteobiographical re-individualisation of the Selk’nam human remains at the Natural History Museum Vienna. Human Remains and Violence, Volume 9, No. 1 (2023), 28–48.
Olivares F, Schattke C, Molina H, Berner M, Eggers S (2023): Re-telling the story of Selk’nam ancestors: from Karokynká/Tierra del Fuego to Austria Human Remains and Violence, Volume 9, No. 1 (2023), 49–69.
Berner M, Eggers S, Klostermann P, Koger R, Sauer W (2022): Ovambo human remains in the Natural History Museum Vienna: Viktor Lebzelter’s anthropological collection from Southern Africa. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A,123:5 – 32. ISBN: 0255-0091
Bräuchler, C., Eggers, S., Rodrigues Frade, P., Inglez, M., Dorneles de Andrade, E. “Krenak,” Krenn, M., Passos, L., Sehnal, P., & Vohland, K. (2022). Brasil: 200 anos de histórias e relações. Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien.
Bräuchler, C., Eggers, S., Rodrigues Frade, P., Inglez, M., Dorneles de Andrade, E. “Krenak,” Krenn, M., Passos, L., Sehnal, P., & Vohland, K. (2022). Brasilien: 200 Jahre Beziehungsgeschichten. Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien.
Bräuchler, C., Eggers, S., Rodrigues Frade, P., Inglez, M., Dorneles de Andrade, E. “Krenak,” Krenn, M., Passos, L., Sehnal, P., & Vohland, K. (2022). Brazil: 200 years of relations. Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien.
Eggers S (2022) Titelstory - Neuseeland-repatriierung - ein Neubeginn? NaturHistorisches-Magazin des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien, Winter 2022:4-8.
Krenn, M., Berner, M., Eggers, S., & Pawlowsky, V. (2022). Addendum: Zur Quellenlage in Österreich. In A. Winkelmann, H. Stoecker, S. Fründt, & Förster, Larissa (Eds.), Interdisziplinäre Provenienzforschung zu menschlichen Überresten aus kolonialen Kontexten. (Vol. 11, pp. 89–95). ICOM Deutschland.
Eggers S, Herewini TH, Mamaku TA, Schattke C, Buttinger K, Gorab ME, Berner M (2021): Māori and Moriori Human Remains in the Natural History Museum in Vienna: Exhumed, Shipped, Exchanged and Inventoried. In Schölberger, Pia (editor): Das Museum im kolonialen Kontext: Annäherungen aus Österreich. Vienna: Czernin Verlag 2021.
Berner M, Pany-Kucera D, Doneus N, Sladek V, Gamble M, Eggers S (2021): Challenging definitions and diagnostic approaches for ancient rare diseases: the case of Poliomyelitis. Int J Paleopathology 33:113-127.
Pezo-Lanfranco L, Machacuay MA, Novoa P, Peralta R, Mayer E, Eggers S, Shady R (2021): The diet at the onset of the Andean Civilization: New stable isotope data from Caral and Áspero, North-Central coast of Peru. American Journal of Biological Anthropology.
Gomez Mejia, J, Aponte, D, Pezo-Lanfranco L, Eggers S (2021): Intentional Cranial Modification as a Marker of Identity In Paracas Cavernas, South-Central Coast Of Peru. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 41(2022)103264.
Mercedes Okumura, Damien Huffer, Sabine Eggers (2021): Shuar and Munduruku modified remains: bioarchaeological practice and postcolonial critique in South America. BOLETÍN DE ARQUEOLOGÍA PUCP / N.° 30 / 2021, 145-155 / e-ISSN 2304-4292.
Pezo LL, Filippini J, Di Giusto M, Petronilho CC, Wesolowski V, DeBlasis P, Eggers S (2020): Child development, physiological stress and survival expectancy in fisher-hunter-gatherers from the Jabuticabeira II shell mound, South Coast of Brazil. PlosOne 15(3): e0229684. Published online 11.03.2020.
Filippini J, Pezo LL, Eggers S (2019): Estudio regional sistematico de treponematosis en conchales (Sambaquis) precolombinos de Brasil. Chungará.
Pezo LL, Petronilho CC, Eggers S (2019): “Discovering Archaeology”, In chinese. LIAOHAI PUBLISHING HOUSE, Rightol Media in Chengdu.
Pezo L & Eggers S (2018). Weaning process and subadult diets in a monumental Brazilian shellmound. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
Pezo-Lanfranco L, Eggers S, Petronilho C, Toso A, Da Rocha D, Von Tersch M, Santos AMP, Costa BR, Meyer R, Colonese AC (2018). Middle Holocene plant cultivation on the Atlantic Forest coast of Brazil? Royal Society Open Science 5: 180432.
Posth C,…Eggers S… Fehren-Schmitz, Krause J, Reich D (2018) Reconstructing the Deep Population History of Central and South America. Cell.
Carvalho MRG, Pezo-Lanfranco L, Eggers S (2018). “One tooth one child”: evaluating the effects of diet and fertility on the oral health of women from archaeological sites in South America. European Journal of Oral Science 2018:1-13.
Pezo-Lanfranco, L., Peralta, A., Guillen, S., Eggers, S. (2017). Oral pathology patterns in late farmers of the Central Andes: A comparative perspective between coastal and highland populations. HOMO - Journal of Comparative Human Biology, Volume 68, Issue 5, October 2017, Pages 343-36. DOI information: 10.1016/j.jchb.2017.08.003.
Matioli, S., Eggers, S. (2016). O Mendel que não era mendelista. Genética na Escola, v. 11 (2-supl.), p. 250-255.
Matioli, S., Eggers, S. (2016). Experimentos com híbridos de outras espécies de plantas. Genética na Escola, v. 11 (2-supl.), p. 256-265.
Boyadjian, C.H.C., Eggers, S., Reinhard, K.J., Scheel-Ybert, R. (2016). Dieta no sambaqui Jabuticabeira-II (SC): Consumo de plantas revelado por microvestígios provenientes de cálculo dentário. Cadernos do Lepaarq, v. 13 (25), p. 132-161.
Pezo-Lanfranco, L. & Eggers, S. (2016). Estatus social y patrones de patología oral en pescadores-agricultores tardíos del cementerio Los Pinos (costa central del Peru). Chungara, Rev. Chilena de Antropologia, v. 48 (2), p. 259-276.
Pezo-Lanfranco, L., Aponte, D, Eggers, S. (2015). Aproximación a la dieta de las sociedades formativas tardías del litoral de Paracas (costa sur del Perú): evidencias bioarqueológicas e isotópicas. Ñawpa Pacha 35: 23-55.
Colonese, A.C., Collins, M., Lucquin, A., Eustace, M., Hancock, Y., Ponzoni, R.A.R., Mora, A., Smith, C., DeBlasis, P., Figuti, L., Wesolowski, V., Plens, C.R., Eggers, S., DeFarias, D.S.E., Gledhill, A., Craig, O.E. (2014). Long-Term Resilience of Late Holocene Coastal Subsistence System in Southeastern South America. Plos. One 9: e93854.
Pezo-Lanfranco, L., Eggers S. (2013). Modo de Vida y Expectativas de Salud en Poblaciones del Periodo Formativo de la Costa Norte del Peru: Evidencias Bioantropologicas Del Sitio Puemape. Lat. Am. Antiquity 24: 191-216.
Okumura, M.M.M., Eggers, S. (2012). O que a biologia não explica: grupos de afinidade no sambaqui Jabuticabeira II. In: Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, 2012, São Paulo. Rev. Museu Arqu. Etnol. 22: 97-109.
Eggers, S., Parks, M., Grupe, G., Reinhard, K.J. (2011). Paleoamerican Diet, Migration and Morphology in Brazil: Archaeological Complexity of the Earliest Americans. Plos One 6: e23962.
De Melo, F.L., De Mello, J.C.M., Fraga, A.M., Nunes, K., Eggers, S. (2010). Syphilis at the Crossroad of Phylogenetics and Paleopathology. Plos. Neg. l. Trop. Dis. 4: e575.
Pezo-Lanfranco, L., Eggers, S. (2010). The usefulness of caries frequency, depth, and location in determining cariogenicity and past subsistence: A test on early and later agriculturalists from the Peruvian coast. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop. 143: 75-91.
Kucera, M., Pany-Kucera, D., Boyadjian, C.H.C., Reinhard, K.J., Eggers, S. (2010). Efficient but destructive: a test of the dental wash technique using secondary electron microscopy? J. Arch. Sci. 38: 129-135.
Pezo-Lanfranco, L., Pezo, S.L., Eggers, S. (2009). Exostosis auditiva como marcador osteológico de actividad acuática en poblaciones formativas de la Costa Norte del Perú. Paleopatología 6: 1-18.
Eggers, S., Petronilho, C., Brandt, K., Jericó Daminello, C., Filippini, J., Reinhard, K. (2008). How does a riverine setting affect the lifestyle of shellmound builders in Brazil? Homo 59: 405-427.
Boyadjian, C., Egger,s S., Reinhard, K. (2007). Dental wash: a problematic method for extracting microfossils from teeth? J Arch Sci 34: 1622-1628.
Eggers, S., Okumura, M.M.M., Boyadjian, C.H.C. (2007). Auditory exostoses as an aquatic activity marker: A comparison of coastal and inland skeletal remains from tropical and subtropical regions of Brazil. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop. 132: 558-567.
Eggers, S., Hashimoto, D.M., Kirchengast, S. (2007). An evolutionary approach to explain the high frequency of the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)? Anthrop. Anzeiger 65: 169-179.
Okumura, M.M.M., Boyadjian, C.H.C., Eggers, S. (2007). An evaluation of auditory exostoses in 621 prehistoric human skulls from coastal Brazil. Ear, Nose, & Throat J. 86: 468-472.
Eggers, S. (2006). Riverine versus Coastal Shellmounds in Brazil. In: E. Crubezy, E. Cunha, S.M. Mendonça. Humans: Evolution and Evironment. In: Proceedings of the XVth Congress of the UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4- 9/september/2006. C08. British Arch Reports (Archaeopress) 22: 165.
Eggers, S., Okumur,a M.M.M., Boyadjian, C.H.C. (2006). Auditory exostoses as an aquatic activity marker: a comparative analysis between coastal and inland skeletal remains from tropical and subtropical regions in Brazil. In: Annals of the 16th Palaeopathology Association Meeting Europe, Santorini, Athen.
Boyadjian, C.H.C., Reinhard, K.J., Eggers, S. (2006). Microfossils in dental calculus from a Brazilian shellmound: where did they come from? In: Annals of the XVth Congress of the UISPP, 2009, Lisbon, c08, v. 22.
Boyadjian, C.H.C., Perrotta, R.M., Reinhard, K.J., Eggers, S. (2006). Microfossils in dental calculus and sediments from a Brazilian shellmound: what do they reveal about diet and plant management? In: Book of Abstracts of the XVth Congress of the International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Lisboa, IFRAO Global State of the Art 1: 88.
Eggers, S. (2006). The Metaphysics of Apes: Negotiating the Animal Human Boundary. By Raymond Corbey. p. 227. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005). J. Biosoc. Sci. 38: 845.
Neves, W.A., Hubbe, M., Okumura, M.M.M., González-José, R., Eggers, S., Figuti, L., DeBlasis, P. (2005). A new early Holocene human skeleton from Brazil: implications for the settlement of the New World. J. Hum. Evol. 48(4): 403-414.
Eggers, S., Okumura, M.M.M. (2005). The people of Jabuticabeira II: reconstruction of the way of life in a Brazilian shellmound. Homo 55: 263-281.
Giardini, L.B., Eggers, S. (2005). Prehistoric health and disease in Point Hope. Anthropol. Papers of the University of Alaska 4: 79-86.
Filippini, J., Eggers, S. (2005). Distância biológica entre sambaquieiros fluviais (Moraes-Vale do Ribeira- SP) e construtores de sítios litorâneos (Piaçaguera e Tenório SP e Jabuticabeira II-SC). Rev. Mu.s Arqu. Etnol. 15-16: 165-180.
Okumura, M.M.M., Bartolomucci, L.B.G., Filippini, J., Neves, W.A., Vargiu, R., Eggers, S. (2005). Coastal versus Fluvial Shellmound builders in Brazil: methodological Issues regarding Biodistance. In: Book of Abstracts of the XVth Congress of the Int. Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Lisboa, 1: 87.
Okumura, M.M.M., Boyadjian, C.H.C., Eggers, S. (2005). Análise da exostose do meato auditivo externo como um marcador de atividade aquática em restos esqueletais humanos da costa e do interior do Brasil. Rev. Mus. Arqu. Etnol. 15- 16: 181-197.
Hashimoto, D.M., Schmid, J., Martins, F.M., Fonseca, A.M., Eggers, S., Kirchengast, S. (2003). The impact of the polycystic ovary syndrome: a cross-cultural analysis. Anthropol. Anzeiger 61(3): 297-310.
Scheel-Ybert, R., Eggers, S., Wesolowski, V., Petronilho, C., Boyadjian, C.H.C., DeBlasis, P., Barbosa-Guimarães, M., Gaspar, M.D. (2003). Novas perspectivas na reconstituição do modo de vida dos sambaquieiros: uma abordagem multidisciplinar. Rev. Arqueologia 16: 109-136.
Eggers, S., Filippini, J., Wesolowski, V., Petronilho, C., Boyadjian, C.H., Bartolomucci, R., Giardini, L.B. (2003). Bioarqueologia dos sambaquis fluviais do Vale do Ribeira. In: CD Anais XIIth Congr. Soc. Arqueologia Brasileira, São Paulo.
Reinhard, K.J., Eggers, S. (2003). Análise de sedimentos contidos em sepultamentos. In: Anais XIIth Congr. Soc. Arqueologia Brasileira, Rio de Janeiro.
Edwards, H.G.M., Farwell, D.W., De Faria, D.L.A., Monteiro, A.M.F., Afonso, M., DeBlasis, P., Eggers, S. (2001). Raman spectroscopic study of 3000-year-old human skeletal remains from a sambaqui, Santa Catarina, Brazil. J. Raman Spectrosc. 32: 17-22.
Eggers, S., Kirchengast, S. (2001). The polycystic ovary syndrome: a medical condition but also an important biosocial problem. Coll. Anthropol. 25: 673-687.
Okumura, M.M.M., Eggers, S. (2001). Doenças infecciosas como indicadores de densidade demográfica. In: Anais XIth Congr. Soc. Arqueologia Brasileira 43.
Okumura, M.M.M., Eggers, S. (2001). Palaeopathology as one of the tools to unravel the way of life of a Brazilian shellmound population. In: XIIIth European Meeting of the Palaeopathology Association, Chietti. J. Eur. Ass. Palaeopathol. 221: 5.
DeFaria, D.L.A., Eggers, S., DeBlasis, P., Afonso, M., Farwell, D.W., Edwards, H.G.M., Moneiro, A.M.F. (2000). Uso de Espectroscopia Raman em Arqueologia: primeiros resultados. In: Anais da 23a. Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química - SBQ, Poços de Caldas.
Lahr, M., Lima, D.M., Eggers, S. (1999). Crecimiento infantil en una población cabocla de la Amazonia. Antropol. Fis. Latinoam 2: 63-82.
Storto, C., Eggers, S., Lahr, M. (1999). Estudo preliminar das paleopatologias da população do sambaqui de Jaboticabeira II. Rev. Mus. Arqu. Etnol. 9: 61-71.
Gaspar, M.D., Afonso, M., DeBlasis, P., Eggers, S., Figuti, L., Fish, P., Fish, S., Klokler, D., Lahr, M., Morley, E. (1999). Uma breve história do projeto de pesquisa. Padrão de assentamento e formação de sambaquis: arqueologia e preservação em Santa Catarina. Rev. Centro Est e Pesqu Arqueologicas 23, 29: 108-117.
Eggers, S., Passos-Bueno, M.R., Pavanello, R.C.M., Zatz, M. (1999). Genetic counseling for childless women at risk for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Am. J. Med. Genet. 86: 447-453.
Eggers, S., Zatz, M. (1998). How the magnitude of clinical severity and recurrence risk affects reproductive decisions in adult males with different forms of progressive muscular dystrophy. J. Med. Genet. 35: 189-195.
Eggers, S., Zatz, M. (1998). Social adjustment in adult males affected with progressive muscular dystrophy. Am. J. Med. Genet., Neuropsych. 81: 4-12.
Eggers, S., Lahr, M. (1998). Crânios peruanos evidenciam padrões de atividade dferentes entre homens e mulheres. Rev. Mus. Arqu. Etno.l 8: 313-318.
DeBlasis, P., Afonso, M., Figuti, L., Fish, P., Fish, S., Gaspar, M.D., Eggers, S., Lahr, M. (1998). Padrões de assentamento e formação de sambaquis em Santa Catarina. Rev. Mus. Arqueol. Etnol. 8: 319-321.
Eggers, S., Lahr, M. (1997). Dieta e Clima na Adaptação dos Arborígenes da Terra do Fogo. Rev. Mus. Arqueol. Etnol. 7: 190- 192.
Eggers, S., Fazzio, I., Lahr, M. (1996). Antropologia Biologica do sitio arqueologico Agua Vermelha: resultados e discussoes preliminares. Rev. Arqueol. 9: 89-114.
Eggers, S., Lauriano, V., Melo, M., Takata, R., Akiyama, J., Bueno, M.P., Gentil, V., Frota-Pessoa, O., Zatz, M. (1995). Why is the reproductive performance lower in Becker (BMD) as compared to limb girdle (LGMD) muscular dystrophy male patients? Am. J. Med. Genet. 60: 27-32.
Eggers, S., Melo, M., Lauriano, V., Gentil, V., Bianco, S.S., Gimenez, P.R., Akiyama, J., Okabaiashi, H., Pessoa, O.F., Bueno, M.R.P., Zatz, M. (1995). Becker and limb-girdle muscular dystrophies: A psychiatric and intellectual level comparative study. Am. J. Med. Genet. 60: 33-38.
Eggers, S., Bueno, M.R.P., Zatz, M. (1993). Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy: aspects of genetic counselling, acceptance of preclinical diagnosis, and fitness. J. Med. Genet. 30: 589-592.
Eggers, S., Rapaport, D., Passos, M.R., Takata, R.I., Campiotto, S., Vainzof, M., Makover, A., Nudel, U., Yaffe, D., Zatz, M. (1992). A deletion including the brain promoter of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene is not associated with mental retardation. Neuromusc. Dis. 2 (2): 117-120.
Roksandic, M., Mendonça de Souza, S., Eggers, S., Burchell, M., Klokler, D. (Eds). (2014). The Cultural Dynamics of Shell- Matrix Sites. 1st ed. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press, p. 396.
Pezo-Lanfranco, L., Petronilho, C., Eggers, S. (2014). Descobrindo a arqueologia - o que os mortos podem nos contar sobre a vida? 1st ed. São Paulo: Cortez Editora, p. 108.
Roksandic, M., Mendonça de Souza, S, Klokler, D., Eggers, S., Burchell, M. (2014). Cultural Dynamics of Shell-Matrix Sites: Diverse Perspectives on Biological Remains from Shell Mounds and Shell Middens. In: M. Roksandic, S. Mendonça deSouza, S. Eggers, M. Burchell, D. Klokler (Eds). Cultural Dynamics of Shell-Matrix Sites. 1st ed., Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, p. 1-3.
Okumura, M.M.M., Eggers, S. (2014). Cultural Formation Processes of the Bioarchaeological Record of a Brazilian Shell Mound. In: M. Roksandic, S. Mendonça deSouza, S. Eggers, M. Burchell, D. Klokler (Eds). The Cultural Dynamics of Shell-Matrix Sites. 1st ed., p. 103-112.
Boyadjian, C.H.C., Eggers, S. (2014). Micro-Remains Trapped in Dental Calculus Reveal Plants Consumed by Brazilian Shell- Mound Builders. In: M. Roksandic, S. Mendonça de Souza, S. Eggers, M. Burchell, D. Klokler (Eds). The Cultural Dynamics of Shell-Matrix Sites. 1st ed., p. 279-289.
Gómez-Mejía, J., Eggers, S. (2014). Complejas interacciones bioculturales en la interpretación de la Cribra orbitalia y la Hiperostosis porótica durante el periodo intermediario tardio en la costa central peruana. In: S.H. Alonso, M. Izagirre, N. Peña, J.A. Rebato, C.E. de la Rúa (Eds). Complejas interacciones bioculturales en la interpretación de la Cribra orbitalia y la Hiperostosis porótica durante el periodo intermediario tardio en la costa central peruana. 1a ed. Leioa, Bizkaia: Servicio Editorial Universidad del País Vasco, p. 115-132.
Okumura, M.M.M., Eggers, S. (2012). Living and Eating in Coastal Brazil during Prehistory. In: D. Collard, J. Morris, E. Perego (Eds). Food & Drink in Archaeology 3: Prospect Books 3: 55-64.
Pezo-Lanfranco, L., Eggers, S. (2012). Caries through Time: An Anthropological Overview. In: Li Ming-Yu (Ed). Contemporary Approach to Dental Caries: InTech, p. 3-34.
Scheel-Ybert, R., Eggers, S., Wesolowski, V., Petronilho, C., Boyadjian, C.H.C., DeBlasis, P., Guimarães, M.B., Tenório, M.C., Gaspar, M.D. (2008). Subsistence and lifeway of coastal Brazilian moundbuilders. In: A. Capparelli, A. Chevalier, R. Piqué (Eds). La alimentación en la América precolombina y colonial: uma aproximación interdisciplinar. Barcelona: Treballs d´Étnologie.
Okumura, M.M.M., Eggers, S. (2008). Natural and Cultural Formation Processes on the Archaeological Record: A Case Study regarding Skeletal Remains from a Brazilian Shellmound. In: A.R. Suárez and M.N. Vásquez (Eds). Archaeology Research Trends. Nova Science Publishers.
Popular science publications by and about S. Eggers and team
- Lopes, R.J. Livro usa arqueologia para contar histórias de pessoas que já morreram. Folha de São Paulo – Caderno Folhinha, São Paulo, p. 2, 31 jan. 2015.
- Pivetta, M.A. Passado desenterrado. Pesquisa Fapesp, São Paulo, p. 94, 09 out. 2014.
- Projeto arqueológico desperta interesse pela ciência. O Biólogo, São Paulo, p. 12 - 13, 19 dez. 2012.
- Gonçalves, A. Projeto estimula interesse pela arqueologia. Estado de São Paulo, p. A16, 02 abr. 2012.
- Pivetta M.A dieta de Luzio. Pesquisa Fapesp, São Paulo, p. 44 - 47, 10 out. 2011.
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As curator of the international osteological collection, my area of responsibility is twofold:
a) to organize, inventorize, and partly digitalize information on the collections to allow efficient and informative access for biocultural research;
b) to carry out provenance research on selected parts of the collection and elaborate ways to deal with ethical issues.
c) to write dossiers for requests of repatriation. To organize repatriation ceremonies.
My personal research interest is the interaction between evolutionary, genetic and biocultural factors associated with health human societies. My challenge currently is to distill the factors that contribute to the social complexification in pre-Columbian groups who lived at the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of South America, through bioarcheological research with an international team of collaborators.
Music, modern and ancient art, traveling, sports
Outreach and educational projects
- Lange Nacht der Museen NHM (2017)
- Archäologie am Berg – Hallstatt (2017)
- Organisation of Exhibitions:
- Way of life in Lagoa Santa - Rio de Janeiro (2005)
- The dwellers from Agua Vermelha - Agua Vermelha (2004)
- Palaeopathology - Universidade de São Paulo (2002)
- Curational work for the exhibition on Paleopathology - Museu Nacional Rio de Janeiro & USP (2004)
- Head of the Comission for Popular Education at the Biosciences Institute, University of Sao Paulo (2004-2009)
- Conceptualization and production of miniature burial replicas (of 15 famous archaeological sites worldwide) and explanatory booklets for school workshops (since 2000)
- Organization and conception of excavation workshops at schools, science meetings, congresses, fairs and museums (São Paulo, Osasco, Itapecerica, Rio de Janeiro, Hallstatt, since 2002)
- Teacher training for excavations workshops and transdisciplinary teaching (São Paulo, since 2012)
Interviews for Documentaries and TV:
- Fasten - ORF-3 Documentation, Austria (2017)
- Archaeology in Brazil – TV (2013)
- Excavation workshops for youngsters – UNIVESP TV, São Paulo (2012)
- Paleonutrition 10 000 years ago – TV, São Paulo (2012)
- Sambaqui: 10 000 years of history – L Camargo, São Paulo (2001)
- Fluvial sambaquis – São Paulo (2000)
- 22 Publications for the general public
- Para-didactic book: Pezo, L.L., Petronilho, C.C., Eggers, S. (2014). Descobrindo a arqueologia - o que os mortos podem nos contar sobre a vida? (Uncovering archaeology: what do the dead tell us about life?) Sao Paulo: Cortez Editora, 108p.