Library of the Laboratory of Molecular Systematics
The library presently comprises 100 monographies, 2700 reprints and four journals (Molecular Biology and Evolution, Molecular
Phylogenetics and Evolution, Molecular Ecology, Organisms, Diversity & Evolution). The PC-based literature data base is managed
by Dr. Daniela Lutz: Indexing of keywords, retrieving scientific literature from the internet.
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Laboratory for Molecular Systematics
Links of interest in Molecular Systematics, Phylogeny and Biology
- Botanik online - the Internet Hypertextbook
- Biology- a good starting point for Biology (german)
- Online Biology Book - online textbook biology
- Phylogeny of Life
- DNA from the beginning - a primer on Molecular Biology
- Reconstruction of phylogenetic trees
- NOBIS AUSTRIA Network of Biological Systematics