Martin Kapun
Staff scientist - Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics and biostatistics support & training
- Software development (UNIX, Python, R)
- Research in populationsgenomics and phylogenetics
- Data-management und development of hard- und software-based infrastructure
- Development of open science und open data policies
Martin Kapuns ORCID record:

- 2008-2013: PhD, Vetmeduni Vienna, Austria: The genetic basis of adaptation in Drosophila melanogaster; Advisors: Prof. Christian Schlötterer & Prof. Thomas Flatt
- 2004-2007: MSc (Magister rerum naturalis), Ecology, University of Vienna, Austria: The genetic structure of Slovakian Bee-eaters (Merops apiaster): Microsatellite differentiation between individuals and colonies; Advisors: Dr. Christian Schultze & Prof. Konrad Fiedler
- 1999-2004: BSc (Bacchalaureus rerum naturalis), Biodiversity and Ecology, Karl Franzens University Graz, Austria
Professional History
- Since July 2021: Bioinformatician at the Natural History Museum of Vienna, Austria
- since 2019: Group Leader at Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
- 2019 -2021: Group Leader at the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies with Prof. Wolf Blanckenhorn, University of Zürich, Switzerland
- 2019: Bioinformatics specialist with Prof. Tadeusz Kawecki, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
- 2013-2018: Postdoctoral Research Associate with Prof. Thomas Flatt, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, Switzerland & Department of Biology, Ecology and Evolution, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
- 2008-2013: PhD Student with Prof. Christian Schlötterer, Institute for population genetics, Vetmeduni Vienna, Austria
- 2007-2008: Research Assistant with Prof. Dr. Hans Winkler: Population genetic studies of migratory birds, European beavers and phylogeny of Piciformes, Konrad Lorenz Institute for Ethology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- 2019-2022: WF standalone grant (P 32275; € 464.870,70): Keep cool: The Influence of Symbionts on Thermal Preference
- 2016-2018: 3x ESEB STN Travel Awards
- 2013: PhD diploma with distinction
- 2009-2010: DOC-Fellowship, Austrian Academy of Science
- 2008: Merit Scholarship, University of Vienna
- 2008: Master thesis with distinction
Academic Teaching
Student and Postdoc SupervisionPostdoc (1); PhD students (3); master students (3)
Lectures and exercise courses
- 2020: Ecology block course (Bio329); UZH Zürich (lecturer)
Insect Reproduction block course (Bio310); UZH Zürich (main organizer & lecturer) - 2019: Animal behavior block course (Bio352); UZH ZÜRICH (lecturer)
Evolution practicum (Bio116); UZH Zürich - 2017: Practical Course in Molecular Genetics (main organizer & lecturer)
Drosophila Genetics TP, UNIL Lausanne - 2016: Practical
Course in Molecular Genetics (main organizer & lecturer)
Drosophila Genetics TP, UNIL Lausanne - 2015: Experimental Design Course; UNIL Lausanne (main lecturer)
Drosophila Genetics TP, UNIL Lausanne (main organizer & lecturer) - 2015: NGS Workshop 2015: Introduction to bioinformatics with Python and data analysis using next generation sequencing (NGS), UNIL Lausanne (main organizer & main lecturer)
- 2014: Experimental Design Course; UNIL Lausanne
Bioinformatics TP, UNIL Lausanne
Introduction to Scientific Writing, UNIL Lausanne - 2012: PhD student Introductory Course 2012: Introduction to bioinformatics programming with Python and data analysis using next generation sequencing (NGS), Vetmeduni Vienna (lecturer)
- 2011: Introduction to Scientific Writing, UNIL Lausanne
Einführung in die Biostatistik, Vetmeduni Vienna (main organizer)
NGS Workshop 2011: De novo assembly, a brief introduction to ABySS, Vetmeduni Vienna (lecturer)
Twitter: @capoony
Central Research Laboratories
Ackerl Florian
Project researcher
project researcher "TETTRIs"
Chen Rui Qiang
Project researcher
De Mattia Willy
Duda Michael
Project researcher
Efthymiadis Georgios
project researcher „FWF PAT1494723 Garra“
Fial Nathalie
Project researcher
Fischer Iris
Laboratory manager
Haring Elisabeth
Head of
Heinzl Janine
Project researcher
Kargl Victoria
Kirchner Sandra
Staff scientist, Laboratory manager
Kruckenhauser Luise
Head of the DNA Laboratory / Curator of the DNA- and tissue collection / Staff scientist
Löwenstein Augustina
Project researcher
Macek Oliver
Collection manager
Prost Stefan
Associate scientist
Sittenthaler Marcia
Associated scientist
Sonnleitner Michaela
ABOL-coordination team
Szucsich Nikolaus
Wanka Alexandra Julia
Laboratory manager
Wegner Wencke
Operator for microanalysis
Winkler Viola
Operator microCT and 3D lab