Michael Duda

FWF-Project 19592-B17
PhD thesis within the project "Alpine Land Snails" with
the topic "Trochulus oreinos (A.J. Wagner, 1915) and T. hispidus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata:
Hygromiidae) in the eastern Alps and adjacent areas: Morphology, ecology and their context to phylogeography".
ABOL Pilotprojekt Mollusken: DNA-Barcoding der Mollusken Österreichs.
Dr. Luise Kruckenhauser, Julia Schindelar, Oliver Macek, Mag. Katharina Jaksch; Mag. Anita Eschner, Dr. Michael Duda, HR Dr. Helmut Sattmann; Start 2014; gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft. http://www.abol.ac.at/project/pilotprojekt-mollusken
- 01.10.2008-05.02.2013 Ph.D. thesis at the Department of evolutionary biology, Faculty of Biology,
University of Vienna:
- Title: Trochulus oreinos (A.J. Wagner, 1915) and T. hispidus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Hygromiidae) in the eastern Alps and adjacent areas: Morphology, ecology and their context to phylogeography
- 16.12.1999 M.Sc. graduation (Landscape planning) at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 1998-1999 M.Sc.
thesis at the Institute of Zoology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna:
- Title: “Städtische Brach- und Ruderalflächen und ihre Gastropodenfauna im Süden von Wien"
- 1992-1999 Studies of landscape planning at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Professional History
- 4/2011-ongoing Freelancer at the Museum of Natural History, Vienna, 3rd zoological department (Evertebrata varia)
- 10/2008-03/2011 Project Collaborator in the course of the project “Alpine land snails; funded by the FWF; Museum of Natural History, Vienna
- 3/2006-8/2008 Freelancer at the Museum of Natural History, Vienna:
- 3/2006-8/2008 Herpetological collection of the Museum of Natural History, Vienna, field of activity: herpetological Database.
- 5/2001-8/2008 Field biological work as freelancer
Editorial Service
reviewer for:
- Waldökologie Online
- Systematics and Biodiversity
Thesis and Master thesis
DUDA M. (2012): Trochulus oreinos (A.J. Wagner, 1915) and T. hispidus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Hygromiidae) in the eastern Alps and adjacent areas: Morphology, ecology and their context to phylogeography. PhD thesis, University of Vienna, pp. 110.
DUDA M. (1999) Städtische Brach- und Ruderalflächen und ihre Gastropodenfauna im Süden von Wien. M.Sc. Thesis, University of applied life sciences, pp. 99.
Original articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals
BAMBERGE[2] R, S., DUDA, M., TRIBSCH, A., HARING, E., SATTMANN, H., MACEK, O., AFFENZELLER, M. & KRUCKENHAUSER, L. (2020): Genome-wide nuclear data confirm two species in the Alpine endemic land snail Noricella oreinos s.l. (Gastropoda, Hygromiidae). - Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 1-23
BULATOVIĆ, A., MARKOVIĆ, J., HARING, E., PINSKER, W., MASON, K., DUDA, M., BAMBERGER, S., KIRCHNER, S., SITTENTHALER, M., FEHÉR, Z., PEŠIĆ, V., SAVIC, A. & SATTMANN, H. (2019): First data on population estimates and dispersal of Montenegrina subcristata - a field study at Virpazar, Montenegro. – Ecologica Montenegrina, 26: 147–165.
DROZDOWSKI, I., DUDA, M., EIS, R., MITTERER, K., MOOG, O., MRKVICKA, A.C., PANROK, A., REISCHÜTZ, A., SAUBERER, N., SCHUH, R., STEINER, A., TISTA, M. & ZETTEL, H. (2019): Ein differenziertes Pflegekonzept für das Naturdenkmal „Trockenrasen“ in Tattendorf (Niederösterreich). – Biodiversität und Naturschutz in Ostösterreich – BCBEA, 4/2: 205–213.
DUDA, M., HARING, E., JUNGMEIER, M., PICHLER-KOBAN, C. & SATTMANN, H. (2019): Wenn du’s eilig hast, geh langsam. Erste Einblicke in die Molluskenfauna des Europaschutzgebietes Lendspitz- Maiernigg in Klagenfurt/Wörthersee. – Carinthia II, 209./129.: 481–490.
DUDA, M., MOOG, O. & REISCHÜTZ, A. (2019): Die Molluskenfauna von Tattendorfer Trockenrasenstandorten. – Biodiversität und Naturschutz in Ostösterreich – BCBEA, 4/2: 183–191.
PROĆKÓW, M., DUDA, M., KRUCKENHAUSER, L., MAASSEN, W.J.M., DE WINTER, A.J. & MACKIEWICZ, P. (2019): Redescription of the western Balkan species Xerocampylaea waldemari and its phylogenetic relationships to other Urticicolini (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae). – Systematics and Biodiversity, 17/4: 367–384. doi: 10.1080/14772000.2019.1617365.
DUDA, M., HARING, E., BIERINGER, G., ESCHNER, A., MRKVICKA, A. & MASON, K. (2018): Taxonomic reassessment of Helicopsis austriaca Gittenberger, 1969 and its relationships to H. striata (O.F. Müller, 1774) and H. hungarica (Soos & H. Wagner, 1935) (Eupulmonata: Helicoidea). – Journal of Molluscan Studies, 84/4: 432–450. doi: 10.1093/mollus/eyy044.
DUDA, M., HARING, E. & SATTMANN, H. (2018): The mollusc fauna of the Vjosa river and its floodplains at Pocemi, South Albania. – Acta ZooBot Austria, 155/1: 191–196.
DUDA, M., HARING, E., BULATOVIC, A., HILLE, A., KRUCKENHAUSER, L., MACEK, O., MARKOVIC, J., PINSKER, D., PINSKER, W., REIER, S., SEFC, K., SLAPNIK, R., SITTENTHALER, M., SONNLEITNER, M., VALENTINCIC, J. & SATTMANN, H. (2018): The snail summiteers - Gastropod faunas of some exposed alpine locations in the Gesäuse National Park. – In: HARING, E., REIER, S. & SATTMANN, H. (eds): Arianta 6. – pp. 41–46, Wien (Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien).
DUDA, M., HARING, E., SATTMANN, H., MACEK, O., SCHINDELAR, J., SCHNEDL, S., ESCHNER, A., FRIEBE, G.J. & KRUCKENHAUSER, L. (2018): Malacological excursion to Vorarlberg (Austria) in the course of the Austrian Barcode of Life Project. – In: HARING, E., REIER, S. & SATTMANN, H. (eds): Arianta 6. – pp. 47–52, Wien (Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien).
FRANK, T., SACDANAKU, E., DUDA, M. & BEGO, F. (2018): Amphibian and reptile fauna of the Vjosa River, Albania. – Acta ZooBot Austria, 155/1: 323–336.
DUDA, M., SCHINDELAR, J., MACEK, O., ESCHNER, A. & KRUCKENHAUSER, L. (2017): First record of Trochulus clandestinus (Hartmann, 1821) in Austria (Gastropoda: Eupulmonata: Hygromiidae). – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 16: 37–43.
KRUCKENHAUSER, L., HARING, E., TAUTSCHER, B., CADAHÍA, L., ZOPP, L., DUDA, M., HARL, J. & SATTMANN, H. (2017): Indication for selfing in geographically separated populations and evidence for Pleistocene survival within the Alps: the case of Cylindrus obtusus (Pulmonata: Helicidae). – BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17: 138. doi: 10.1186/s12862-017-0977-0.
DUDA, M. (2016): The efficiency of landscape management on selected thermophilous land snails - a small-scale case report from the vineyard area in northern Vienna. – eco.mont - Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research, 8/2: 22–32. doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-8-2s22.
KIRCHNER, S., HARL, J., KRUCKENHAUSER, L., DUDA, M., SATTMANN, H. & HARING, E. (2016): Phylogeography and systematics of Pyramidula (Pulmonata: Pyramidulidae) in the eastern Alps: still a taxonomic challenge. – Journal of Molluscan Studies, 82/1: 110–121. doi: 10.1093/mollus/eyv047.
KRUCKENHAUSER, L., DUDA, M., SCHINDELAR, J., MACEK, O. & ESCHNER, A. (2016): ABOL Pilot-project Molluscs.
KRUCKENHAUSER, L., ESCHNER, A. & DUDA, M. (2016): ABOL Mollusken - Barcoding im Schneckentempo? – Acta ZooBot Austria, 153: 169–171.
ČEJKA, T., ČAČANÝ, J., HORSÁK, M., JUŘIČKOVÁ, L., BUĎOVÁ, J., DUDA, M., HOLUBOVÁ, V., HORSÁKOVÁ, V., JANSOVÁ, A., KOCURKOVÁ, A., KORÁBEK, O., MAŇAS, M., ŘÍHOVÁ, D. & ŠIZLING, A.L. (2015): Freshwater molluscs of water bodies with a high conservation value in the Danubian lowland (SW Slovakia). – Malacologia Bohemoslovaca, 14: 5–16.
DUDA, M. (2015): Interessante Funde zweier Arten der Gattung Vertigo O. F. Müller, 1773 im Südwestlichen Niederösterreich. – Nachrichtenblatt der ersten Vorarlberger Malakologischen Gesellschaft, 22: 3–4.
KRUCKENHAUSER, L., ESCHNER, A. & DUDA, M. (2015): DNA-Barcoding Mollusken - Verborgene Diversität. – Acta ZooBot Austria, 152: 179–181.
CADAHÍA, L., HARL, J., DUDA, M., SATTMANN, H., KRUCKENHAUSER, L., FEHÉR, Z., ZOPP, L. & HARING, E. (2014): New data on the phylogeny of Ariantinae (Pulmonata, Helicidae) and the systematic position of Cylindrus obtusus based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA marker sequences. – Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 52/2: 163–169. doi: 10.1111/jzs.12044.
DUDA, M., KRUCKENHAUSER, L., SATTMANN, H., HARL, J., JAKSCH, K. & HARING, E. (2014): Differentiation in the Trochulus hispidus complex and related taxa (Pulmonata: Hygromiidae): morphology, ecology and their relation to phylogeography. – Journal of Molluscan Studies, 80/4: 371–387. doi: 10.1093/mollus/eyu023.
DUDA, M. & MRKVICKA, A. (2014): Zur Ausbreitung der Neozoen Monacha cantiana (Montagu 1803), Hygromia cinctella (Draparnaud 1801), Cepaea nemoralis (Linné 1758) und Cornu aspersum (O. F. Müller 1774) im südwestlichen Umland von Wien. – Nachrichtenblatt der Ersten Vorarlberger Malakologischen Gesellschaft, 21: 11–13.
ESCHNER, A., JAKSCH, K. & DUDA, M. (2014): Biodiversitätsmonitoring und Vergleich der Gastropodengemeinschaften auf ausgewählten Flächen des Biosphärenparks Wienerwald. – Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen aus dem Niederösterreichischen Landesmuseum, 25: 433–452.
HARL, J., DUDA, M., KRUCKENHAUSER, L., SATTMANN, H. & HARING, E. (2014): In Search of Glacial Refuges of the Land Snail Orcula dolium (Pulmonata, Orculidae) - An Integrative Approach Using DNA Sequence and Fossil Data. – PLoS ONE, 9/5: e96012. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096012.
HARL, J., PÁLL-GERGELY, B., KIRCHNER, S., SATTMANN, H., DUDA, M., KRUCKENHAUSER, L. & HARING, E. (2014): Phylogeography of the land snail genus Orcula (Orculidae, Stylommatophora) with emphasis on the Eastern Alpine taxa: speciation, hybridization and morphological variation. – BMC Evolutionary Biology, 14/1: 223. doi: 10.1186/s12862-014-0223-y.
KRUCKENHAUSER, L., DUDA, M., BARTEL, D., SATTMANN, H., HARL, J., KIRCHNER, S. & HARING, E. (2014): Paraphyly and budding speciation in the hairy snail (Pulmonata, Hygromiidae). – Zoologica Scripta, 43/3: 273–288. doi: 10.1111/zsc.12046.
DUDA, M., SATTMANN, H., HARING, E., BARTEL, D., WINKLER, H., HARL, J. & KRUCKENHAUSER, L. (2011): Genetic differentiation and shell morphology of Trochulus oreinos (Wagner, 1915) and T. hispidus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pulmonata: Hygromiidae) in the northeastern Alps. – Journal of Molluscan Studies, 77/1: 30–40. doi: 10.1093/mollus/eyq037.
DUDA, M., KRUCKENHAUSER, L., HARING, E. & SATTMANN, H. (2010): Habitat requirements of the pulmonate land snails Trochulus oreinos oreinos and Cylindrus obtusus endemic to the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria. – Austria.- eco.mont / Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research, 2/2: 5–12. doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-2-2s5.
FISCHER W., DUDA M. & REISCHÜTZ A. (2009): Beiträge zur Molluskenfauna Österreichs XVI. Anmerkungen zur Süßwassermolluskenfauna Wiens.- Nachrichtenblatt der ersten Vorarlberger Malakologischen Gesellschaft.16, 5-19.
DUDA, M. (2007): First record of a natural male hybrid of Bufo (Pseudepidalea) viridis Laurenti, 1768 x Bufo (Bufo) bufo Linneus, 1758 in Austria. Herpetozoa 20, 184-186.
DUDA, M., GRILLITSCH, H., HILL, J. & KLEPSCH, R. (2007): Die Würfelnatter Natrix tesse [4] llata (Laurenti 1786) im Südlichen Wiener Becken und am Alpenostrand. Herpetozoa 19, 35-55.
BERNHARDT K.-G., HANDKE K., KOCH M., LAUBHANN D., BERG H.-M., DUDA M., HÖTTINGER H., KLEPSCH R., PINTAR M & SCHEDL H. (2005): Zielartenkonzept in einem niederösterreichischen Weinbaugebiet: Pflege und Erhalt von Weinbergsböschungen. - Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung. 37,(7) 2005: 202- 211.
FISCHER W. & DUDA M. (2004): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Molluskenfauna Österreichs VII. Cernuella [5] virgata (Da Costa 1778), neu für die Molluskenfauna Wiens, sowie Bemerkungen zur Ausbreitung von Monacha cantiana (Montagu 1803), Cernuella neglecta (Draparnaud 1805), Hygromia cinctella (Draparnaud 1801) und Cornu aspersum (O.F. Müller 1774) in Niederösterreich und Wien. - Nachrichtenblatt der ersten Vorarlberger Malakologischen Gesellschaft 12, 10-14.
Books, Book sections
DUDA, M. (2019): Biogeographie Östereichischer Mollusken. – In: Aescht, E. (ed.): Mollusca (Weichtiere) – Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte, Forschung und Sammlungen aus Österreich [Molluscs – Contributions to Cultural history, Research and Collections from Austria]. — Denisia 42. – pp. 543–546, Linz (Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Biologiezentrum).
FISCHER, S. & DUDA, M. (2019): Molluscs of the Dürrenstein Wilderness Area. – In: Aescht, E. (ed.): Mollusca (Weichtiere) – Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte, Forschung und Sammlungen aus Österreich [Molluscs – Contributions to Cultural history, Research and Collections from Austria]. — Denisia 42. – pp. 547–554, Linz (Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Biologiezentrum).
KRUCKENHAUSER, L., DUDA, M., SCHINDELAR, J., MACEK, O., REIER, S. & ESCHNER, A. (2019): DNA-Barcoding österreichischer Mollusken – Ein Projekt der Initiative „Austrian Barcode of Life“. – In: Aescht, E. (ed.): Mollusca (Weichtiere) – Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte, Forschung und Sammlungen aus Österreich [Molluscs – Contributions to Cultural history, Research and Collections from Austria]. — Denisia 42. – pp. 511–515,.
DUDA, M., BAMBERGER, S. & JAKSCH, K. (2017): Weichtiere der FFH-Richtlinie im Nationalpark Gesäuse. – In: KREINER, D. & MARINGER, A. (eds): Natura 2000 Europaschutzgebiete - Der GEO-Tag im Hartelsgraben. Schriften des Nationalparks Gesäuse Band 13. – pp. 39–41, Admont / Weng (Nationalpark Gesäuse GmbH).
DUDA, M. (2012): Landschnecken (Gastropoda) in der Umgebung des Buchsteinhauses (Nationalpark Gesäuse). – In: Kreiner, D. & Maringer, A. (eds): Alpine Räume zwischen Bruckstein und Buchstein. – pp. 148–151, (Nationalpark Gesäuse).
KERSCHBAUMSTEINER, H. & DUDA, M. (2012): Amphibien und Reptilien in der Umgebung des Buchsteinhauses (Nationalpark Gesäuse). – In: Kreiner, D. & Maringer, A. (eds): Alpine Räume zwischen Bruckstein und Buchstein. – pp. 164–166, (Nationalpark Gesäuse).
DUDA, M. (2011): Schnecken (Gastropoda). – In: Wiesbauer, H., Zettel, H., Fischer, M.A. & Maier, R. (eds): Der Bisamberg und die Alten Schanzen Vielfalt am Rande der Großstadt Wien. 0 Edition. – pp. 113–116, 314–315, St. Pölten (Amt der NÖ Landesregierung, Abteilung Naturschutz).
DUDA M. (2011): Schnecken (Gastropoda). In: WIESBAUER H.,ZETTEL H., FISCHER M.A., MAIER R. (eds.): Der Bisamberg und die Alten Schanzen. Vielfalt am Rand der Großstadt[7] dt Wien. St. Pölten 2011; p. 113-116; p. 314-315: Liste der nachgewiesenen Arten.
Conference proceedings
DUDA, M., SCHINDELAR, J. & KRUCKENHAUSER, L. (2019): First confirmed record of Arion intermedius Normand, 1852 (Eupulmonata: Arionidae) in Austria. – Arianta, 7: 53–56.
KWITT, S., SCHRATTENECKER-TRAVNITZKY, R., DUDA, M., NEIBER, M.T. & PATZNER, R.A. (2019): Report of an excursion in the course of the 1st Meeting of the Society Mollusc Research Austria (MoFA) in the Untersberg area, Salzburg. – Arianta, 7: 14–17.
MRKVICKA, A., BIERINGER, G., DUDA, M., ESCHNER, A., GOBETS, G. & MASON, K. (2019): Beiträge zur Verbreitung, Biologie und Ökologie der Arten der Gattung Helicopsis in Ostösterreich. – Arianta, 7: 41–52.
NEIBER, M .T., HARL, M., SCHMIDT, L.-M. & DUDA, M. (2019): Landschnecken-Nachweise während des Workshops “Alpine Land Snails” im August 2018 im Gesäuse und angrenzende Gebieten (Österreich, Steiermark). – Arianta, 7: 18–22.
REISCHÜTZ, A., DUDA, M., MOOG, O., MRKVICKA, A., POHL, A. & REISCHÜTZ, P. (2019): Die Molluskenfauna im Quellgebiet Furth-Harras und Pottenstein (Triestingtal, Niederösterreich). – Arianta, 7: 26–32.
SATTMANN, H., AESCHT, E., HARING, E., BISENBERGER, A. & DUDA, M. (2019): Streck die Fühler aus! Schnecken in ihrer vollen Pracht. – 192 pp. Linz (Biologiezentrum des Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums).
Popular science
SATTMANN, H., HARING, E., DUDA, M. & KUGLER, M. (2017): Albanien - Kampf um die Vjosa. – Universum, 7–8: 66–71.
HARING, E., KRUCKENHAUSER, L., DUDA, M., HARL, J. & SATTMANN, H. (2010): Alpine Ureinwohner. – Das Naturhistorische: das Magazin des NHM in: Universum, Sommer: 6–7.
DUDA M. (2008): Schnecken der Trockenrasen. In: WIESBAUER H. (Hrsg): Die Steppe lebt. Felssteppen und Trockenrasen in Niederösterreich. Begleitband zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung in Hainburg an der Donau. Amt der NÖ Landesregierung, St. Pölten: 121-124.
Since 2001: several mapping projects concerning malacofauna and reassessment of landscape management on behalf of the municipial departments 22 and 49, Vienna
DUDA, M. (2015): Bestandserfassung und -evaluierung der Kartäuserschnecke (Monacha cartusiana) und Wiener Schnirkelschnecke (Cepaea vindobonensis) in Wien mit Einschätzung des Erhaltungszustandes https://www.wien.gv.at/kontakte/ma22/studien/pdf/kartaeuserschnecke-schnirkelschnecke.pdf
DUDA, M. (2013): Grundlagenerhebung und Bestandsschätzung der Anhang II FFH Art „Zierliche Tellerschnecke Anisus vorticulus (Troschel, 1834)“ im Natura 2000 Gebiet Nationalpark Donauauen, Wiener Anteil
Conference contributions: Talks
E. (2021): Mollusks in the rural green belt of Vienna: continuities and changes. – 9th European Congress of Malacological
Societies (EUROMAL) Prague, Czech Republic (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague).
S., SZUCSICH, N., WANKA, A. & HARING, E. (2021): Hidden diversity - trematodes of freshwater snails in Austria. – 2nd
MoFA Conference Natural History Museum Vienna (Molluskenforschung Austria).
E., SATTMANN, H. & DUDA, M. (2021): Integrated taxonomic study on malacofauna of Lake Ohrid, Albania. – 2nd MoFA Conference
Natural History Museum Vienna (Molluskenforschung Austria).
H. & DUDA, M. (2021): Molecular genetic analyses of molluscs from Lake Ohrid, Albania. – In: – p. 53, International
Conference on Management of animal and plant genetic resources Tirana, Albania (Academy of Science of Albania).
MUJALI, X., HARING, E., SATTMANN, H., DUDA, M. & BEQIRAJ, S. (2021): An integrative taxonomic study of molluscs
from Belshi karstic lakes using molecular genetic analysis. – 1st International Scientific Conference Biotechnology and
Genetics - Developments and Future Challenges (BGIC) 2021 Tirana, Albania (Academy of Sciences of Albania).
SCHUBERT, H., ESCHNER, A., DUDA, M., ERICH WEIGAND, & KRUCKENHAUSER, L. (2021): Distribution and DNA barcoding of hydrobioids
(Gastropoda) from the Kalkalpen National Park (Austria). – 9th European Congress of Malacological Societies (EUROMAL)
Prague, Czech Republic (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague).
E. & KRUCKENHAUSER, L. (2021): Using DNA barcodes to explore the biodiversity of hydrobioids (Gastropoda) from the Kalkalpen
National Park (Austria). – In: – p. 53, International Conference on Management of animal and plant genetic resources Tirana,
Albania (Academy of Science of Albania).
DUDA, M., JAKSCH, K. & ESCHNER, A. (2014): (Re)colonisation in a snail’s
pace: biodiversity monitoring of land gastropods in the “Biosphärenpark Wienerwald”. – Workshop Alpine Land Snails 2014,
Johnsbach, Austria (Talk).
DUDA M, KRUCKENHAUSER L, SATTMANN H, HARL J, HARING E (2013): Different evolutionary histories in taxa: reasons and challenges A case study in Trochulus (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Hygromiidae) - World Congress of Malacology 2013, Ponta Delgada (Portugal), 21-28 July 2013 - Talk
DUDA M, KRUCKENHAUSER L, BARTEL D, HARL J, SATTMANN H, HARING E (2013): Divergent mitochondrial clades of snails with a Trochulus hispidus phenotype How to confine a snail species? - World Congress of Malacology 2013, Ponta Delgada (Portugal), 21-28 July 2013 - Talk
HARL J, PÁLL-GERGELY B, DUDA M, KRUCKENHAUSER L, SATTMANN H, HARING E (2013): Phylogeography of the land snail genus Orcula Held 1837 with a special focus on the Alpine species group - World Congress of Malacology 2013, Azores (Portugal), 21-28 July 2013 - Talk
KIRCHNER S, KRUCKENHAUSER L, SATTMANN H, HARL J, DUDA M, HARING E (2013): The case of Pyramidula pusilla: adding the first pieces to the phylogeographic puzzle of Alpine populations - World Congress of Malacology 2013, Ponta Delgada (Portugal), 21-28 July 2013 - Talk
HARL J, PÁLL-GERGELY B, DUDA M, KRUCKENHAUSER L, SATTMANN H, HARING E (2013): Phylogeography of the land snail genus Orcula Held 1837 with a special focus on the Alpine species group - 2nd European BioSyst Meeting, Vienna (Austria) - Talk
JAKSCH K, SATTMANN H, KRUCKENHAUSER L, DUDA M, HARL J, HARING E (2013): Biodiversity homemade?! - Clausilia dubia and its various subspecies - 2nd European BioSyst Meeting, Vienna (Austria) - Talk
KIRCHNER S, KRUCKENHAUSER L, SATTMANN H, HARL J, DUDA M, HARING E (2013): Phylogeographic analysis of Alpine populations of Pyramidula pusilla (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Pyramidulidae) - 2nd European BioSyst Meeting, Vienna (Austria) - Talk
KRUCKENHAUSER L, DUDA M, BARTEL D, HARL J, SATTMANN H, HARING E (2013): Divergent mitochondrial clades of snails with a Trochulus hispidus phenotype. How to confine a snail species? - 2nd European BioSyst Meeting, Vienna (Austria) - Talk
DUDA M, SATTMANN H, HARING E, KRUCKENHAUSER L (2012): Trochulus oreinos and T. hispidus (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Hygromiidae) in the Eastern Alps and adjacent areas: Morphology, ecology and their context to phylogeography - 6. Jahrestagung NOBIS Austria, Klagenfurt (Austria) - Talk
DUDA M (2012): Von Endemiten und Refugialräumen – das Projekt „Alpine Landschnecken“ am NHM Wien - Jahrestagung der Deutschen Malakologischen Gesellschaft, Bad Ischl (Austria) - Talk
KRUCKENHAUSER L, BARTEL D, HARING E, SATTMANN H, DUDA M (2011): What is a snail species? Mitochondrial lineages of snails with a Trochulus hispidus phenotype - 6th Congress of the European Malacological Societies (CEMS), Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) - Talk
DUDA M, SATTMANN H, KRUCKENHAUSER L, HARING E (2011): Phylogeography and taxonomic state of Trochulus hispidus, Trochulus oreinos oreinos and Trochulus oreinos scheerpeltzi (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Hygomiidae) in the eastern Alps and adjacent areas - Exkursionsworkshop Alpine Landschnecken, Johnsbach (Austria) - Talk
HARL J, KRUCKENHAUSER L, SATTMANN H, DUDA M, HARING E (2011): The evolution of Orcula dolium (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Orculidae) in the Alps and Carpathians. How the impact of the Pleistocene glaciations shaped a snail species’ distribution - Exkursionsworkshop Alpine Landschnecken, Johnsbach (Austria) - Talk
JAKSCH K, KRUCKENHAUSER L, DUDA M, HARL J, SATTMANN H, HARING E (2011): Clausilia dubia (Draparnaud, 1805) in the Eastern Alps: phylogeography and subspecies classification (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) - Exkursionsworkshop Alpine Landschnecken, Johnsbach (Austria) - Talk
KIRCHNER S, KRUCKENHAUSER L, HARL J, DUDA M, SATTMANN H, HARING E (2011): Phylogeography of Alpine populations of Pyramidula pusilla - Exkursionsworkshop Alpine Landschnecken, Johnsbach (Austria) - Talk
KRUCKENHAUSER L, BARTEL D, HARING E, SATTMANN H, HARL J, DUDA M (2011): What is a snail species? Mitochondrial lineages of snails with a Trochulus hispidus phenotype - Exkursionsworkshop Alpine Landschnecken, Johnsbach (Austria) - Talk
JAKSCH K, SATTMANN H, KRUCKENHAUSER L, DUDA M, HARL J, HARING E (2011): Nomen est omen: Clausilia dubia (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) and its dubious subspecies classification - 5. Jahrestagung NOBIS Austria, Salzburg (Austria) - Talk
DUDA M, KRUCKENHAUSER L, HARING E, HARL J, SATTMANN H (2010): The snail genus Trochulus (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Hygromiidae) as an example for morphological, genetic, and ecological differentiation of Alpine land snails - World Congress of Malacology, Phuket (Thailand) - Talk
HARING E, KRUCKENHAUSER L, DUDA M, HARL J, POKORNY P, SATTMANN H (2009): Tracing the change – Do phylogeographic patterns of Alpine land snails reflect past climatic changes? - 1st European BioSyst Meeting, Leiden (The Netherlands) - Talk
DUDA M, SATTMANN H, BARTEL D, HARING E, HARL J, KRUCKENHAUSER L (2009): The genus Trochulus as an example for morphological, genetic, and ecological differentiation of Austrian Alpine Land snails - 3. Jahrestagung NOBIS Austria, Wien (Austria)
Conference contributions: Poster
CADAHÍA-LORENZO L, HARL J, SATTMANN H, DUDA M, KRUCKENHAUSER K, FEHÉR Z, ZOPP L, HARING E (2013): New insights on the phylogenetic position of the helicid species Cylindrus obtusus based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA marker sequences - World Congress of Malacology 2013, Ponta Delgada (Portugal), 21-28 July 2013 - Poster
JAKSCH K, SATTMANN H, KRUCKENHAUSER L, DUDA M, HARL J, HARING E (2013): Phylogeography and subspecies classification of Clausilia dubia Draparnaud, 1805 in East Austria (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) - World Congress of Malacology 2013, Ponta Delgada (Portugal), 21-28 July 2013 - Poster
JAKSCH K, SATTMANN H, KRUCKENHAUSER L, DUDA M, HARL J, HARING E (2012): - Clausilia dubia – a (bio)diverse alpine land snail - 6. Jahrestagung NOBIS Austria, Klagenfurt (Austria) - Poster
KIRCHNER S, KRUCKENHAUSER L, SATTMANN H, HARL J, DUDA M, HARING E (2012): Alpine populations of Pyramidula pusilla: A closer look into the species phylogeography - 6. Jahrestagung NOBIS Austria, Klagenfurt (Austria) - Poster
JAKSCH K, KRUCKENHAUSER L, DUDA M, HARL J, SATTMANN H, HARING E (2011): Clausilia dubia (Draparnaud, 1805) in the Eastern Alps: phylogeography and subspecies classification (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) - 6th Congress of the European Malacological Societies, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) - Poster
JAKSCH K, SATTMANN H, KRUCKENHAUSER L, DUDA M, HARL J, HARING E (2011): Clausilia dubia (Draparnaud, 1805) in the Eastern Alps: phylogeography and the subspecies classification (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) - The Malacological Society of London, Molluscan Forum, London (UK) - Poster
KIRCHNER S, KRUCKENHAUSER L, SATTMANN H, HARL J, DUDA M, HARING E (2011): Phylogeography of Pyramidula pusilla: a big mystery about a tiny snail (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Pyramidulidae) - 5. Jahrestagung NOBIS Austria, Salzburg (Austria), Salzburg (Austria) - Poster
DUDA M, KRUCKENHAUSER L, HARING E, HARL J, SATTMANN H (2010): Habitat requirements of the pulmonate land snails Trochulus oreinos oreinos and Cylindrus obtusus endemic to the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria - 4. Jahrestagung NOBIS Austria, Graz (Austria) - Poster
HARL J, KRUCKENHAUSER L, SATTMANN H, DUDA M, HARING E (2010): Phylogeography of the East-Alpine members of the landsnail species Orcula dolium (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Orculidae) - 4. Jahrestagung NOBIS Austria, Graz (Austria) - Poster
HARL J, KRUCKENHAUSER L, SATTMANN H, DUDA M, HARING E (2010): Phylogeography of the East-Alpine members of the landsnail species Orcula dolium (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Orculidae. World Congress of Malacology, Phuket (Thailand) - Poster
JAKSCH K, KRUCKENHAUSER L, DUDA M, HARL J, SATTMANN H, HARING E (2010): Phylogeography and subspecies classification of the landsnail Clausilia dubia in Eastern Austria (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) - The Malacological Society of London, Molluscan Forum, London (UK) - Poster
DUDA M, KRUCKENHAUSER L, HARING E, HARL J, SATTMANN H (2009): Morphologic and genetic differentiation of Trochulus oreinos oreinos (Wagner 1915), Trochulus oreinos scheerpeltzi (Mikula 1957) and Trochulus hispidus (Linné 1785) in the North-Eastern Alps - 1st European BioSyst Meeting, Leiden (The Netherlands) - Poster
HARL J, DUDA M, HARING E, SATTMANN H, KRUCKENHAUSER L (2009): Phylogeography of the genus Orcula (Held 1837) in the Eastern Alps - 1st European BioSyst Meeting, Leiden (The Netherlands) - Poster
DUDA M, KRUCKENHAUSER L, HARING E, HARL J, SATTMANN H (2009): Genetic differentiation and shell morphology of Trochulus oreinos oreinos (Wagner 1915), Trochulus oreinos scheerpeltzi (Mikula 1957) and Trochulus hispidus (Linné 1785) in the North-Eastern Alps - 102nd Conference of the German Zoological Society, Regensburg (Germany) - Poster
HARL J, DUDA M, HARING E, SATTMANN H, KRUCKENHAUSER L (2009): Genetic variation in East Alpine members of the genus Orcula (Held 1837) - 102nd Conference of the German Zoological Society, Regensburg (Germany) - Poster